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Loki Nomad examples


Hard requirements

Optional requirements

Production use

For use in production it is recommended to:

See loki-distributed README for more info.

Service discovery when scaling

When using multiple Loki instances memberlist advertises wrong address (see this issue), that is why these examples are using Consul ring for service discovery.

Is you are using Nomad then you are probably also using Consul, so this shouldn't be an issue.

Run Loki behind loadbalancer

When running multiple instances of Loki incoming requests should be loadbalanced.

Register Loki in Traefik:

tags = [

Setup basicauth

Generate basicauth credentials:

> docker run --rm httpd:alpine htpasswd -nb promtail password123

Register Loki in Traefik:

tags = [

Update Promtail config:

  - url: https://loki.service.consul/loki/api/v1/push
      username: promtail
      password_file: password123

Use HashiCorp Vault to provide S3 credentials

To provide static credentials:

template {
  data = <<-EOH
  {{ with secret "secret/minio/loki" }}
  S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID={{ }}
  {{- end }}

  destination = "secrets/s3.env"
  env         = true

Is is better to provide dynamic credentials using AWS secret engine when using AWS S3:

template {
  data = <<-EOH
  {{ with secret "aws/creds/loki" -}}
  S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID={{ .Data.access_key }}
  S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY={{ .Data.secret_key }}
  {{- end }}

  destination = "secrets/s3.env"
  env         = true

Supply alerting rules to Loki ruler with local ruler storage

Alert rules can be downloaded from remote storage using artifact stanza. It supports:

  • Git
  • Mercurial
  • HTTP
  • Amazon S3
  • Google GCP

Example with git:

artifact {
  source      = "<someorg>/<repo>//<subdirectory_with_loki_rules>"
  destination = "local/rules/"

Using local files

Alert rules can be stored locally (beside job definition) and provided to Loki ruler container with template stanza and some HCL magic, namely:

  • fileset - to generate a list of files
  • file - to get the content of a file
  • dynamic - to dynamically generate template stanza for each file found


> tree rules/
└── fake
    └── some-alerts.yml

1 directory, 1 file
dynamic "template" {
  for_each = fileset(".", "rules/**")

  content {
    data            = file(template.value)
    destination     = "local/${template.value}"
    left_delimiter  = "[["
    right_delimiter = "]]"

Each file will end up in /local/rules/ inside ruler container.

Using Consul K/V and Terraform

> tree loki-rules/
└── fake
    └── some-alerts.yml

1 directory, 1 file

Using Terraform Consul provider put all files in loki-rules/ to Consul K/V

resource "consul_keys" "loki-rules" {
  dynamic "key" {
    for_each = fileset("${path.module}/loki-rules", "**")
    content {
      path   = "configs/loki-rules/${trimsuffix(key.value, ".yml")}"
      value  = file("${file.module}/loki-rules/${key.value}")
      delete = true

Provide rules from K/V to Loki ruler container inside Nomad with safeTree

template {
  data = <<-EOF
  {{- range safeTree "configs/loki-rules" }}
  {{ .Value | indent 2 }}
  {{ end -}}

  destination   = "local/rules/fake/rules.yml"
  change_mode   = "signal"
  change_signal = "SIGINT"

When updated in Consul K/V rules will be automatically updated in Loki ruler.