The s3select is another S3 request, that enables the client to push down an SQL statement(according to spec) into CEPH storage.
The s3select is an implementation of a push-down paradigm.
The push-down paradigm is about moving(“pushing”) the operation close to the data.
It's contrary to what is commonly done, i.e. moving the data to the “place” of operation.
In a big-data ecosystem, it makes a big difference.
In order to execute “select sum( x + y) from s3object where a + b > c”
It needs to fetch the entire object to the client side, and only then execute the operation with an analytic application,
With push-down(s3-select) the entire operation is executed on the server side, and only the result is returned to the client side.
The s3-storage is reliable, efficient, cheap, and already contains a huge amount of objects, It contains many CSV, JSON, and Parquet objects, and these objects contain a huge amount of data to analyze.
An ETL may convert these objects into Parquet and then run queries on these converted objects.
But it comes with an expensive price, downloading all of these objects close to the analytic application.
The s3select-engine that resides on s3-storage can do these jobs for many use cases, saving time and resources.
The engine resides on a dedicated GitHub repo, and it is also capable to execute SQL statements on standard input or files residing on a local file system.
Users may clone and build this repo, and execute various SQL statements as CLI.
An immediate way for a quick start is available using the following container. That container already contains the cloned repo, enabling code review and modification.
sudo docker run -w /s3select -it galsl/ubunto_arrow_parquet_s3select:dev
, is a small demo app, it lets you run queries on local file or standard input.
for one example, the following runs the engine on standard input.
seq 1 1000 | ./example/s3select_example -q 'select count(0) from stdin;'
ps -ef | tr -s ' ' | CSV_COLUMN_DELIMETER=' ' CSV_HEADER_INFO= ./example/s3select_example -q 'select PID,CMD from stdin where PPID="1";'
seq 1 1000000 | sudo docker run -w /s3select -i galsl/ubunto_arrow_parquet_s3select:dev bash -c "./example/s3select_example -q 'select count(0) from stdin;'"
it possible to run a query on local file, as follows.
./example/s3select_example -q 'select count(0) from /full/path/file_name;'
sudo docker run -w /s3select -v /home/gsalomon/work:/work -it galsl/ubunto_arrow_parquet_s3select:dev bash -c "./example/s3select_example -q 'select count(*) from /work/datatime.csv;'"