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The OPA Website and Documentation

This directory contains all of the Markdown, HTML, Sass/CSS, and other assets needed to build the website. See the section below for steps to build the site and test documentation changes locally.

The raw OPA documentation can be found under the content/docs directory.

Developing OPA

For documentation on developing OPA, see the devel directory.

Run the site locally

You can run the site locally with Docker or without Docker. Regardless of your method, you'll need install npm.

Run the site locally using Docker

To run the site locally using Docker, first install the necessary static assets using npm:

npm install

Then, if Docker is running:

docker run --rm -it \
  -v $(PWD):/src \
  -p 1313:1313 \
  klakegg/hugo:0.53-ext server \
    --buildDrafts \

Open your browser to http://localhost:1313 to see the site running locally. The docs are available at http://localhost:1313/docs.

Run the site locally without Docker

To build and serve the site locally without using Docker, install the following packages on your system:

  • npm
  • The Hugo static site generator

Installing Hugo

Running the website locally requires installing the Hugo static site generator. The required version of Hugo is listed in the netlify.toml configuration file (see the HUGO_VERSION variable).

Installation instructions for Hugo can be found in the official documentation.

Please note that you need to install the "extended" version of Hugo (with built-in support) to run the site locally. If you get errors like this, it means that you're using the non-extended version:

error: failed to transform resource: TOCSS: failed to transform "sass/style.sass" (text/x-sass): this feature is not available in your current Hugo version

Installing static assets

The OPA website requires some static assets installable via npm:

npm install

Serving the site

From this directory:

make serve

Open your browser to http://localhost:1313 to see the site running locally. The docs are available at http://localhost:1313/docs.

Site updates

The OPA site is automatically published using Netlify. Whenever changes in this directory are pushed to master, the site will be re-built and re-deployed.

OPA version changes

The current OPA version displayed in the documentation is set in the config.toml configuration file. Look for this in the file:

latest = "..."

Change the value of latest and commit that change to master to change the displayed version in the docs.