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Deploy Monocle on k8s

Note that the following procedure must be valid for deploying on OpenShift. For this you might want to use the oc command instead of kubectl.

Alternatively to this process, a k8s operator is available on

Initial deployment

The secrets file must be populated with at least the CRAWLERS_API_KEY.

echo CRAWLERS_API_KEY=$(uuidgen) > .secrets

And expose the secrets file as a kubernetes secret resource. It will be mounted as a volume on the api and crawler deployments.

kubectl create secret generic monocle-secrets --from-file=.secrets

Then apply manifests:

kubectl apply -f k8s/

You can then access the Monocle Web UI by setting a port forward

kubectl port-forward service/api 8080:8080
firefox http://localhost:8080

You might want to setup an HTTP Ingress instead of the port forward if your cluster support it.

Update Monocle configuration

The inital deployment sets an empty config file via a ConfigMap mounted as a volume. To amend the configuration we need to:

Create a config.yaml file on your local filesystem. Here is a sample one:

  - name: demo
      - name: zuul-opendev
            - ^zuul/zuul
        update_since: '2022-07-01'

Then update the monocle-config ConfigMap with:

kubectl create configmap monocle-config --from-file config.yaml -o yaml --dry-run=client | kubectl replace -f -

Monocle api and crawler processes will detect the config change and reload the configuration automatically.

If a secret needs to set for a crawler, then the monocle-secrets secret resources must be updated and the crawler deployment must be re-created. To do so, amend your .secrets file to add the new environment variable then run:

kubectl create secret generic monocle-secrets --from-file .secrets -o yaml --dry-run=client | kubectl replace -f -
kubectl delete deployment crawler
kubectl apply -f k8s/crawler-deployment.yaml

Run the update-idents janitor

To update author identities, the operator needs to join the Monocle api Pod via kubectl exec:

kubectl exec -it api-9dfb77ddd-5xtvt bash
monocle janitor update-idents --config /etc/monocle/config.yaml --elastic elastic:9200