this script will deploy a redis cluster in 10 minutes
- redis
- redis-sentinel
- twemproxy
you can deploy/start/stop/run_rediscmd/get status/reconfig proxy ...
cluster0 = { 'cluster_name': 'cluster0', 'user': 'ning', 'sentinel':[ ('', '/tmp/r/sentinel-29001'), ('', '/tmp/r/sentinel-29002'), ('', '/tmp/r/sentinel-29003'), ], 'redis': [ # master(host:port, install path) , slave(host:port, install path) ('', '/tmp/r/redis-20000'), ('', '/tmp/r/redis-21000'), ('', '/tmp/r/redis-20001'), ('', '/tmp/r/redis-21001'), ('', '/tmp/r/redis-20002'), ('', '/tmp/r/redis-21002'), ('', '/tmp/r/redis-20003'), ('', '/tmp/r/redis-21003'), ], 'nutcracker': [ ('', '/tmp/r/nutcracker-22000'), ('', '/tmp/r/nutcracker-22001'), ('', '/tmp/r/nutcracker-22002'), ], }
this will gen sentinel
sentinel monitor cluster0-20000 20000 2 sentinel down-after-milliseconds cluster0-20000 60000 sentinel failover-timeout cluster0-20000 180000 sentinel parallel-syncs cluster0-20000 1 sentinel monitor cluster0-20001 20001 2 sentinel down-after-milliseconds cluster0-20001 60000 sentinel failover-timeout cluster0-20001 180000 sentinel parallel-syncs cluster0-20001 1
and twemproxy
cluster0: listen: hash: fnv1a_64 distribution: modula preconnect: true auto_eject_hosts: false redis: true backlog: 512 client_connections: 0 server_connections: 1 server_retry_timeout: 2000 server_failure_limit: 2 servers: - cluster0-20000 - cluster0-20001
the name cluster0-20000
is named by the orig master,
if slave use a different port, the server host:port
of cluster0-20000
can be
choose your config filename:
$ ./bin/ -h usage: [-h] [-v] [-o LOGFILE] clustername op [cmd] positional arguments: clustername cluster target op aof_rewrite : None deploy : deploy the binarys and config file (redis/sentinel/nutcracker) in this cluster kill : kill all instance(redis/sentinel/nutcracker) in this cluster log : show log of all instance(redis/sentinel/nutcracker) in this cluster master_memory : show used_memory_human:1.53M master_qps : instantaneous_ops_per_sec:4 mastercmd cmd : run redis command against all redis Master instance, like 'INFO, GET xxxx' monitor : monitor status of the cluster printcmd : print the start/stop cmd of instance rdb : do rdb in all redis instance reconfig_proxy : None rediscmd cmd : run redis command against all redis instance, like 'INFO, GET xxxx' start : start all instance(redis/sentinel/nutcracker) in this cluster status : get status of all instance(redis/sentinel/nutcracker) in this cluster stop : stop all instance(redis/sentinel/nutcracker) in this cluster cmd the redis/ssh cmd like "INFO"
start cluster:
$ ./bin/ cluster0 deploy $ ./bin/ cluster0 start 2013-12-26 14:47:47,385 [MainThread] [NOTICE] start redis 2013-12-26 14:47:47,622 [MainThread] [INFO] [redis:] start ok in 0.23 seconds 2013-12-26 14:47:47,848 [MainThread] [INFO] [redis:] start ok in 0.22 seconds 2013-12-26 14:47:48,099 [MainThread] [INFO] [redis:] start ok in 0.24 seconds 2013-12-26 14:47:48,369 [MainThread] [INFO] [redis:] start ok in 0.27 seconds 2013-12-26 14:47:50,788 [MainThread] [NOTICE] start sentinel 2013-12-26 14:47:51,186 [MainThread] [INFO] [sentinel:] start ok in 0.39 seconds 2013-12-26 14:47:51,452 [MainThread] [INFO] [sentinel:] start ok in 0.26 seconds 2013-12-26 14:47:51,820 [MainThread] [INFO] [sentinel:] start ok in 0.35 seconds 2013-12-26 14:47:51,820 [MainThread] [NOTICE] start nutcracker 2013-12-26 14:47:52,082 [MainThread] [INFO] [nutcracker:] start ok in 0.26 seconds 2013-12-26 14:47:52,364 [MainThread] [INFO] [nutcracker:] start ok in 0.28 seconds 2013-12-26 14:47:52,573 [MainThread] [INFO] [nutcracker:] start ok in 0.21 seconds 2013-12-26 14:47:52,573 [MainThread] [NOTICE] setup master->slave 2013-12-26 14:47:52,580 [MainThread] [INFO] setup [redis:]->[redis:] 2013-12-26 14:47:52,580 [MainThread] [INFO] [redis:] /home/ning/idning-github/redis/src/redis-cli -h -p 21000 SLAVEOF 20000 OK ...
run cmd on each master:
$ ./bin/ cluster0 mastercmd 'get "hello"' 2013-12-24 13:51:39,748 [MainThread] [INFO] [RedisServer:]: get "hello" [RedisServer:] xxxxx 2013-12-24 13:51:39,752 [MainThread] [INFO] [RedisServer:]: get "hello" [RedisServer:] 2013-12-24 13:51:39,756 [MainThread] [INFO] [RedisServer:]: get "hello" [RedisServer:] 2013-12-24 13:51:39,760 [MainThread] [INFO] [RedisServer:]: get "hello" [RedisServer:] world
dump rdb:
$ ./bin/ cluster0 rdb
monitor qps/memory:
$ ./bin/ cluster0 mq 2013-12-24 14:21:05,841 [MainThread] [INFO] start running: ./bin/ -v cluster0 mq 2013-12-24 14:21:05,842 [MainThread] [INFO] Namespace(cmd=None, logfile='log/deploy.log', op='mq', target='cluster0', verbose=1) 20000 20001 20002 20003 6 5 5 6 6 6 5 6 6 6 5 6 4741 6 6 6 33106 5 5 6 46639 8 7 7 42265 6 5 7
run benchmark:
$ ./bin/ cluster_offline0 bench $ ./bin/ cluster_offline0 mbench
modify config:
$ ./bin/ cluster_offline0 mastercmd ' CONFIG GET save' -v $ ./bin/ cluster_offline0 mastercmd 'CONFIG SET save "10000 1000000"' -v
export REDIS_DEPLOY_CONFIG=conf pip install argcomplete $ . ./bin/active ning@ning-laptop ~/idning-github/redis-mgr$ ./bin/ cluster0 r<TAB> randomkill rdb reconfigproxy rediscmd
use the config:
BASEDIR = '/tmp/r' HOSTS = [ '', '', '', '', ] MASTER_PER_MACHINE = 2 SLAVE_PORT_INCREASE = 10000
it will gen the config like this:
- pcl:
- redis-py:
- argcomplete (optional):
- @idning
- @cen-li
schedular for many clusters, we will need it!
SLOW LOG monitor
#live monitor for nutcracker
#nc to get nutcracker status will fail in background:
nohup ./bin/ cluster0 scheduler &
we use telnetlib instead