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File metadata and controls

304 lines (223 loc) · 8.68 KB


Pilosa is a bitmap index database.

Build Status

Getting Started

Pilosa requires Go 1.7 or greater.

You can download the source by running go get:

$ go get

Now you can install the pilosa binary:

$ go install

Now run a single pilosa node with the default configuration:

pilosa server


You can specify a configuration by setting the -config flag when running pilosa.

pilosa server --config custom-config-file.cfg

The config file uses the TOML configuration file format, and should look like:

data-dir = "/tmp/pil0"
host = ""

replicas = 2

host = ""

host = ""

You can generate a template config file with default values with:

pilosa config

The first two configuration options will be unique to each node in the cluster:

data-dir: directory in which data is stored to disk

host: IP and port of the pilosa node

The remaining configuration options should be the same on every node in the cluster.

replicas: the number of replicas within the cluster

[[cluster.node]]: specifies each node within the cluster


You can create a Pilosa container using make docker or equivalently:

docker build -t pilosa:latest .

You can run a temporary container using:

docker run -it --rm --name pilosa -p 15000:15000 pilosa:latest

When you click Ctrl+C to stop the container, the container and the data in the container will be erased. You can leave out --rm flag to keep the data in the container. See Docker documentation for other options.


You can interact with Pilosa via HTTP requests to the host:port on which you have Pilosa running. The following examples illustrate how to do this using curl with a Pilosa cluster running on port 15000.

Return the version of Pilosa:

$ curl ""

Return a list of all databases and frames in the index:

$ curl ""

Database and Frame Schema

Before running a query, the corresponding database and frame must be created. Note that database and frame names can contain only lower case letters, numbers, dash (-), underscore (_) and dot (.).

You can create the database sample-db using:

$ curl -XPOST "" \
    -d '{"db": "sample-db"}'

Optionally, you can specify the column label on database creation:

$ curl -XPOST "" \
    -d '{"db": "sample-db", "columnLabel": "user"}'

The frame collaboration may be created using the following call:

$ curl -XPOST "" \
    -d '{"db": "sample-db", "frame": "collaboration"}'

It is possible to specify the frame row label on frame creation:

$ curl -XPOST "" \
    -d '{"db": "sample-db", "frame": "collaboration"}, "options": {"rowLabel": "project"}}'


Queries to Pilosa require sending a POST request where the query itself is sent as POST data. You specify the database on which to perform the query with a URL argument db=database-name.

In this section, we assume both the database sample-db with column label user and the frame collaboration with row label project was created.

A query sent to database sample-db will have the following format:

$ curl -X POST "" -d 'Query()'

The Query() object referenced above should be made up of one or more of the query types listed below. So for example, a SetBit() query would look like this:

$ curl -X POST "" -d 'SetBit(project=10, frame="collaboration", user=1)'

Query results have the format {"results":[]}, where results is a list of results for each Query(). This means that you can provide multiple Query() objects with each HTTP request and results will contain the results of all of the queries.

$ curl -X POST "" -d 'Query() Query() Query()'


SetBit(project=10, frame="collaboration", user=1)

A return value of {"results":[true]} indicates that the bit was toggled from 0 to 1. A return value of {"results":[false]} indicates that the bit was already set to 1 and therefore nothing changed.

SetBit accepts an optional timestamp field:

SetBit(project=10, frame="collaboration", user=2, timestamp="2016-12-11T10:09:07")


ClearBit(project=10, frame="collaboration", user=1)

A return value of {"results":[true]} indicates that the bit was toggled from 1 to 0. A return value of {"results":[false]} indicates that the bit was already set to 0 and therefore nothing changed.


SetBitmapAttrs(project=10, frame="collaboration", stars=123, url="", active=true)

Returns {"results":[null]}


SetProfileAttrs(user=10, friends=123, username="mrpi", active=true)

Returns {"results":[null]}


Bitmap(project=10, frame="collaboration")

Returns {"results":[{"attrs":{"stars":123, "url":"", "active":true},"bits":[1,2]}]} where attrs are the attributes set using SetBitmapAttrs() and bits are the bits set using SetBit().

In order to return profile attributes attached to the profiles of a bitmap, add &profiles=true to the query string. Sample response:

{"results":[{"attrs":{},"bits":[10]}],"profiles":[{"user":10,"attrs":{"friends":123, "username":"mrpi", "active":true}}]}


Union(Bitmap(project=10, frame="collaboration"), Bitmap(project=20, frame="collaboration")))

Returns a result set similar to that of a Bitmap() query, only the attrs dictionary will be empty: {"results":[{"attrs":{},"bits":[1,2]}]}. Note that a Union() query can be nested within other queries anywhere that you would otherwise provide a Bitmap().


Intersect(Bitmap(project=10, frame="collaboration"), Bitmap(project=20, frame="collaboration")))

Returns a result set similar to that of a Bitmap() query, only the attrs dictionary will be empty: {"results":[{"attrs":{},"bits":[1]}]}. Note that an Intersect() query can be nested within other queries anywhere that you would otherwise provide a Bitmap().


Difference(Bitmap(project=10, frame="collaboration"), Bitmap(project=20, frame="collaboration")))

Difference() represents all of the bits that are set in the first Bitmap() but are not set in the second Bitmap(). It returns a result set similar to that of a Bitmap() query, only the attrs dictionary will be empty: {"results":[{"attrs":{},"bits":[2]}]}. Note that a Difference() query can be nested within other queries anywhere that you would otherwise provide a Bitmap().


Count(Bitmap(project=10, frame="collaboration"))

Returns the count of the number of bits set in Bitmap(): {"results":[28]}


Range(project=10, frame="collaboration", start="1970-01-01T00:00", end="2000-01-02T03:04")



Returns all Bitmaps in the cache from frame geo sorted by the count of bits.

TopN(frame="geo", n=20)

Returns the top 20 Bitmaps from frame geo.

TopN(Bitmap(project=10, frame="collaboration"), frame="geo", n=20)

Returns the top 20 Bitmaps from geo sorted by the count of bits in the intersection with Bitmap(project=10).

TopN(Bitmap(project=10, frame="collaboration"), frame="geo", n=20, field="category", [81,82])

<<<<<<< HEAD

Returns the top 20 Bitmaps from geoin attribute category with values 81 or 82 sorted by the count of bits in the intersection with Bitmap(project=10).

Returns the top 20 Bitmaps from barin attribute category with values 81 or 82 sorted by the count of bits in the intersection with Bitmap(id=10).



Updating dependencies

To update dependencies, you'll need to install Glide.

Then add the new dependencies in your project:

$ glide get


If you update protobuf (pilosa/internal/internal.proto), then you need to run go generate

$ go generate


In order to set the version number, compile Pilosa with the following argument:

$ go install --ldflags="-X main.Version=1.0.0"