A command-line tool to run SQL(PartiQL) against DynamoDB and save result in out-of-box Postgres. Zero config.
- AWS CLI (configured)
- Node
Clone this repo, then
npm install
npm run clean
npm run build
If new features of this tool are available, run git pull
and run the commands above again
docker-compose up
Go to pgAdmin . You should see a pre-imported Postgres server.
./dpp "select * from ... "
(If are a windows user, take a look at file ./dpp
and you'll know how to run it in Windows)
From the console output you will see the table name for this run, e.g. t_1630152784804
Go to pgAdmin
select * from t_1630152784804 where ...
The table should
- Be big enough so that "NextToken" can be tested
- Contain all data types of DynamoDB
To make this happen,
./dpp "select * from DppTest"