usage: [-h] [--bus BUS] [--max_msg MAX_MSG] [--addr ADDR]
simple CAN data viewer
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--bus BUS CAN bus to print out (default: 0)
--max_msg MAX_MSG max addr (default: None)
--addr ADDR
usage: [-h] [--pipe] [--raw] [--json] [--dump-json] [--no-print] [--addr ADDR] [--values VALUES] [socket [socket ...]]
Dump communication sockets. See cereal/ for a complete list of available sockets.
positional arguments:
socket socket names to dump. defaults to all services defined in cereal
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--addr ADDR
--values VALUES values to monitor (instead of entire event)
usage: [-h] [--debug] {enable,show,disable}
Shows Volkswagen EPS software and coding info, and enables or disables Heading Control
Assist (Lane Assist). Useful for enabling HCA on cars without factory Lane Assist that want
to use openpilot integrated at the CAN gateway (J533).
positional arguments:
show or modify current EPS HCA config
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--debug enable ISO-TP/UDS stack debugging output
This tool is meant to run directly on a vehicle-installed comma three, with
the openpilot/tmux processes stopped. It should also work on a separate PC with a USB-
attached comma panda. Vehicle ignition must be on. Recommend engine not be running when
making changes. Must turn ignition off and on again for any changes to take effect.