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Run target/node/npm test -- --coverage --watchAll to get unit tests constantly running. This has a mini console which can be used to re-run tests or to re-create jest snapshots

Run target/node/npm run --scripts-prepend-node-path to start up a server and open a browser w/ the UI constantly updating

I use pre-commit to run prettier and eslint as part of the pre-commit hook and checks


  • prettier - format text
  • eslint - find common bugs and such
  • jest - testing framework. We use snapshots heavily
  • testing-library - the tool to help test React w/ async, events and DOM changes etc
  • nock - stub out REST calls
  • We use React functional components and hooks instead of classes/objects
  • We use a proxy which forwards a running nessie on port 19120 to the port where npm run runs the webserver (3000) avoids having to deal w/ xss