Attempt at a simple Jukebox App for my Raspberry Pi.
This will consist of two parts:
- The Controller:
- Controls the playing of music and catalog, etc.
- Controlled by ReST API (currently Flask)
- The Web Interface:
- Basic web interface using AngularJS and Flask templates
- Web interface will default to assume controller is local and connect to localhost:5000
- Run web server on localhost
- Display currently playing song
- Display current list of songs in queue
- Add to playlist by specifying full path.
- Basic single playlist:
- Songs added to end.
- Songs removed when played.
- Music lib is local to controller.
- Song catalog.
- Crappy browse by artist --> song
- Click song to add to queue.
- Web admin interface list Jukeboxes and allow user to specify which to control.
- Will function similar to multi-DVR or media-center GUI. Select from list and act as remote.
- Allows server to run anywhere (even on localhost)
- Music Lib can be remote.
- Needs web admin interface to add remote lib
- Not sure how to implement the admin perms. nfs might be bad. want to avoid smb.
- Sync to playlists on local mobile devices.
- Requires client app on phone.
- Allows for consolidated playlists if named the same.