The package requires jest-preset-angular@14
to be installed as a peer dependency.
npm install --save-dev @dotenv-run/jest-angular
Add the following to your jest.config.js
, more information can be found in the jest-preset-angular.
ESM support is required for Jest to understand import.meta.env
const jestConfig = {
// Required for ESM support
preset: "jest-preset-angular/presets/defaults-esm",
setupFilesAfterEnv: ["<rootDir>/setup-jest.ts"],
testMatch: ["<rootDir>/src/app/**/*.(spec|jest).ts"],
moduleNameMapper: {
tslib: "<rootDir>/node_modules/tslib/tslib.es6.mjs",
// @dotenv-run/jest-angular transformer
transform: {
"^.+\\.(ts)$": [
useESM: true,
stringifyContentPathRegex: "\\.(html|svg)$",
export default jestConfig;
Add the following to your setup-jest.ts
// Required for ESM support
import "jest-preset-angular/setup-jest.mjs";
// Load environment variables for Jest
import { env } from "@dotenv-run/core";
env({ root: "../../..", files: [".env", ""] });
Run your tests with jest
. More information can be found in the Jest documentation.
NODE_OPTIONS=--experimental-vm-modules npx jest
node --experimental-vm-modules /path/to/node_modules/jest/bin/jest.js
If you're using Nx
NODE_OPTIONS=--experimental-vm-modules nx test
node --experimental-vm-modules /path/to/node_modules/nx/bin/nx.js test