4CHAN Public
Forked from biomurph/4CHANtest code for 4 channel data acquisition system using RFduino
OpenBCI_Python Public
Forked from openbci-archive/OpenBCI_PythonThe Python software library designed to work with OpenBCI hardware.
Python UpdatedAug 10, 2015 -
Arduino code for MCP42XXX digital potentiometer
MCP4922 Public
Code for Working with the MCP4922 DAC. Most is for Arduino.
PortastudioSpeedControl Public
Arduino Code for Creating Voltages to Control my Portastudio 424 Speed
Arduino UpdatedMar 10, 2014 -
BrainBay Public
Forked from ChrisVeigl/BrainBayOpen Source Biofeedback Software
Arc Other UpdatedJan 26, 2014 -
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