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Developer Guide

This README contains details on <Your App's> current implementation.

Table of Contents

Insert TOC here.


Amend ERD below. Add descriptions to help other developers understand what data you're working with.

  TABLE1 ||--|{ TABLE2 : has
  TABLE1 ||--|{ TABLE3 : has
  TABLE1 {
    int Id PK "Default SharePoint autonumber PK"
    string Title "Default SharePoint title"
    string Column1 "Column 1"
    float Column2 "Column 2"
    bool Column3 "Column 3"
    datetime Column4 "Column 4"
  TABLE2 {
    int Id PK "Default SharePoint autonumber PK"
    string Title "Default SharePoint title"
    string ColumnA "Column A"
    int ColumnB "Column B"
    string ColumnC "Column C"
    float ColumnD "Column D"
  TABLE3 {
    int Id PK "Default SharePoint autonumber PK"
    string Title "Default SharePoint title"
    string ColumnI "Column I"
    bool ColumnII "Column II"
    int ColumnIII "Column III"
    string ColumnIV "Column IV"

Main Libraries

The libraries below are included in package.json. Add on other libraries that you will be using.

Library Purpose
react Frontend library
react-router-dom For routing as an SPA
react-query State management and querying
axios HTTP requests
jquery DOM manipulation
validator Form validation
slugify Shortening text to safe form
react-icons Icons
craco Custom build to single bundle

Security Checklist for React Frontend (Provisional)

S/N Category Item Check
1 Input Validation Use Validator.js to validate all form inputs.
2 Input Validation Tell the user what is wrong as part of post-validation.
3 Input Validation If you must accept URLs from the user, validate it using the HTTP or HTTPS protocols.
4 Output Encoding Avoid dangerouslySetInnerHTML as far as possible. If you must use it, sanitise the inputs using dompurify first.
5 Output Encoding Use default data binding ({}) instead of rendering or using user-supplied attributes directly in HTML tags with injectable attributes.
6 Access Control Assign the minimum SharePoint permissions for users to perform their tasks.
7 Data Protection Remove sensitive data from SharePoint once no longer required.
8 System Configuration Manage and record all changes to the source code via GitHub.
9 File Management If files must be uploaded, (1) validate them and (2) store them in a Document Library separate from the app's document library.
10 General Coding Practices Limit the developer team (GitHub collaborators) to approved developers only.
11 General Coding Practices Use to scan the repo for vulnerabilities.
12 General Coding Practices Use SonarLint for code smells.


The src directory is set up to mimic the component dependency tree as closely as possible. Top-level components are in folders in TitleCase, while folders for all other supporting elements are in lowercase.

In the diagrams below, each folder contains index.js, and sometimes, also styles.css. We omit these files from the diagram for simplicity. Cells in purple are shared components.

graph LR
  %% Top-level components
  Root --> NavBar
  Root --> Home
  Root --> View1
  %% Home
  Home --> H1[Home Component]
  Home --> SC([SharedComponent])
  View1 --> SC
  View1 --> V1[View1Component]

  classDef shared fill:#7b73f0,color:white
  class SC shared

Top-Level Components

1. NavBar

Navigation bar with the following links:

  • Home

Add more links as required.

2. Home

Insert description of this component and update the flowchart below.

graph LR
  %% Home
  Home --> H1[HomeComponent]
  Home --> SC([SharedComponent])

  classDef shared fill:#7b73f0,color:white
  class SC shared
Component Purpose
Home Contains an overall ProgressCard shared component, and one small ProgressCard within a card per non-HQ team.
Home1Component Description of component

3. View1

Insert description of this component and update the flowchart below.

graph LR
  View1 --> V1[View1Component]
  View1 --> SC

  classDef shared fill:#7b73f0,color:white
  class SC shared
Component Purpose
View1 Contains three Tab panels, one for each frequency (monthly, quarterly, annual). Each panel contains a TeamPane. Queries the team's Objectives, KRs, and Updates and passes it into each (Bootstrap) Tab panel.
View1Component Description of component

shared Entities

This folder comprises components that are shared across 2 or more components. Any reference to another component will always go to the shared folder.


Component Purpose
SharedComponent Description of component


Data is retrieved and managed using React Query.

Hook(s) Usage
Example: useObjectives, useKeyResults, useUpdates Retrieve all data for Home.

Describe each type of custom React Query hook separately. State any dependenciecs between them. An example is provided below:

1. useObjectives

For retrieving Objectives. There are multiple hooks:

  • useObjectives(): Retrieves all Objectives in the database. It has several dependant hooks:
    • useObjective(Id): Retrieves Objective with a given Id using data from useObjectives.
    • useTeamObjectivesCache(team): Retrieves Objectives under a given team using data from useObjectives.
  • useObjectivesByFreq(freq): Retrieves Objectives with a given frequency only.
  • useTeamObjectives(team): Retrieves Objectives under a given team only.
4. useToken

For getting X-RequestDigest for SharePoint POST requests. Has a single useToken hook.

Other Information

Any other pertinent information you need developers to know. E.g. React Query settings.


Function Usage
utilFunction Description of function