youtube video outline the set up
The files are in 7zip files so you need to download and install kekaosxto open the 7 zip files
open kekaosx from the application folder and click ok for dialog asking if you want to open it
then double click the .7zip and they will unzip
create a folder called bin in your home folder, /Users/your-username/bin
mkdir -p ~/bin
copy the ffmpeg, ffprobe and ffplay in to the bin folder
if you have ffmpeg installed to another location create a symbolic link to $HOME/bin/ffmpeg the same applies to ffplay and ffprobe
then edit your ~/.bash_profile, for example with nano
nano ~/.bash_profile
and add the code below to your ~/.bash_profile, which will add any binaries in ~/bin to your bash path
if [ -d "$HOME/bin" ] ; then
Then source your ~/.bash_profile
. ~/.bash_profile
install rtmpdump with homebrew
open a terminal and type
xcode-select --install
open a terminal and paste in the code below
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
check brew install
brew doctor
install rtmpdump
brew install rtmpdump
install wget
brew install wget
create a git directory in your home, cd into the git directory then clone the git repository
mkdir -p ~/git
cd ~/git
git clone
In the Finder select the go menu and hold down alt, you should see the Library appear, select the Libray to open it in the Finder
Copy the playercorefactory.xml to the location below
~/Library/Application Support/Kodi/userdata/playercorefactory.xml
move the bash_profile in this directory to ~/.bash_profile
mv bash_profile ~/.bash_profile
if [ -d "$HOME/git/kodi-playercorefactory/bash-scripts-macosx" ] ; then
Source your ~/.bash_profile
. ~/.bash_profile
You need to install ffmpeg, ffplay, ffprobe, wget and rtmpdump to the following locations
If they are installed in a different location create a symbolic link to the location specified above
symbolic link syntax
ln -s /path/to/source /path/to/destination
for example to create a symbolic link for ffmpeg from /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg to $HOME/bin/ffmpeg
ln -s /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg ~/bin/ffmpeg
We have to specify the exact location of the binaries in the scripts to get them to work in El Capitan
Download the 64bit build from and install to your Applications folder
latest build, works on El Capitan
Download vlc from and install to your Applications folder