Interactive Revit RFA
and RVT
project database exploration tool to view and navigate BIM element parameters, properties and relationships.
- Go to the Releases section.
- Download and run MSI file.
- The single-user installation does not require administrator rights and is installed for a single user only.
- The multi-user installation requires administrator rights and is installed for all users.
Please refer to the changelog for details.
Originally implemented by Jim Awe and the Revit API development team at Autodesk.
Maintained by Nice3point, Jeremy Tammik, The Building Coder and The 3D Web Coder, Forge Platform Development, ADN Open, Autodesk Inc., with invaluable contributions from the entire Revit add-in developer community.
Thank you, guys!
The source code is published under MIT License, the license is available here.
Thanks to JetBrains for providing licenses for Rider and dotUltimate tools, which both make open-source development a real pleasure!