This directory contains all of the scripts used to deploy the website on the server.
The process on travis is as follows;
- travis calls the pandoc/ script to convert all of the markdown files to html.
- travis then tars up the entire directory (as seen in the .travis.yml file) to create a website_X.tgz file (where X is the travis build number).
- travis then FTP's this file to
- travis then wget's the URL, posting in a secret user key, and the name of the website_X.tgz file.
- The deploy.php file checks that the file exists and the user key is valid. It then starts a background process to run, returning immediately to the user (thus preventing http timeouts).
- The process checks that everything is ok. It then uses a file lock to make sure that it is the only copy of running. It then checks that the website_X.tgz file is the newest copy in the directory. If it is, then it untars the contents of this file into either (a) the 'public_html/devel' directory if this is a deployment of the development website, or (b) the 'public_html' directory if this is the production release. The website_X.tgz file is then removed and the file lock removed.
Do not change or edit these scripts unless you really know what you are doing.