A nozzle Z probe + toolchanger for Voron 2.
It's essentially an oversized linear rail, that supports only ~4 mm of travel. The steel rail is replaced by bearing riding on rods.
In addition it's a kinematic mount, meaning that it's self aligning and there is no play even if the parts are not aligned precisely.
Check the BOM.
Print the parts.
Assembly instructions coming...
Configure Klipper.
Improvement ideas - bugs, pull requests welcome. Find me on Voron Toolchangers Discord, or file bugs here.
See Tapchanger youtube channel.
- Basic models from Voron Stealthburner and Voron 0.
- Mini SB Orbiter cowling form mozartlovescats.
- Mini SB LGX lite cowling form MC.
Various fixes to refine the rods version. Ready for general testing.
A new experimental version using 3mm rods. See -rods files. Shuttle and mount plates changed, the rest is same.
- Easier to assemble
- Tension adjustment screws easily available
- Runs smoother
- Using smaller 3x8x3 bearings - saves 5 grams and even more rigid.
- Even load distribution between the bearings by adjusting the angles to 26 and 64 degrees.
- Minor model tweaks for better fit and printability.
- Redesigned and optimized - not compatible with V0
- Significanly more rigid
- Supports both Mini and full size Stealthburner
- It can print and looks reasonably rigid
- ~10 Tool chnages so far
- Initial dock, that looks okay for the job