Training and prediction scripts for Chemprop models trained on ADMET datasets
chuu-shin / EgoPlan_Challenge_Team_AAILab-jiwooshin
Forked from aailab-kaist/EgoPlan_Challenge_Team_AAILabTensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration
모두를 위한 컨백스 최적화
Elegant PyTorch implementation of paper Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning (MAML)
Differentiable architecture search for convolutional and recurrent networks
Complementary code for the Targeted Dropout paper
Memory consumption and FLOP count estimates for convnets
Cheap distillation for convolutional neural networks.
Flops counter for convolutional networks in pytorch framework
[CVPR-2022] Official implementation for "Knowledge Distillation with the Reused Teacher Classifier".
Proper implementation of ResNet-s for CIFAR10/100 in pytorch that matches description of the original paper.
A PyTorch implementation for exploring deep and shallow knowledge distillation (KD) experiments with flexibility
[ICLR 2020] Contrastive Representation Distillation (CRD), and benchmark of recent knowledge distillation methods
Official implementation for (Refine Myself by Teaching Myself : Feature Refinement via Self-Knowledge Distillation, CVPR-2021)
Awesome Knowledge-Distillation. 分类整理的知识蒸馏paper(2014-2021)。
[ICML 2021, Long Talk] Delving into Deep Imbalanced Regression
A scientific and useful toolbox, which contains practical and effective long-tail related tricks with extensive experimental results
Code release for Your “Flamingo” is My “Bird”: Fine-Grained, or Not (CVPR 2021 Oral)
Implementation of the HEX graph described in the paper of Large-Scale Object Classification using Label Relation Graphs (ECCV 2014)
[NeurIPS 2019] Learning Imbalanced Datasets with Label-Distribution-Aware Margin Loss