React Native package to get music files from local and sd for iOS and Android
This package get all the sound files in your local and sd card for Androi and iOS, and retrive metadata from each file, also generate an blurred image from cover file.
- SongID
- Title
- Author
- Album
- Duration
- Path
- Cover
- Duration
- Genre
$ npm install react-native-get-music-files --save
$ npm install --save
$ react-native link react-native-get-music-files
- In XCode, in the project navigator, right click
➜Add Files to [your project's name]
- Go to
and addRNReatNativeGetMusicFiles.xcodeproj
- In XCode, in the project navigator, select your project. Add
to your project'sBuild Phases
➜Link Binary With Libraries
- Run your project (
- Open up
- Add
to the imports at the top of the file - Add
new RNReatNativeGetMusicFilesPackage()
to the list returned by thegetPackages()
- Append the following lines to
:include ':react-native-get-music-files' project(':react-native-get-music-files').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-get-music-files/android')
- Insert the following lines inside the dependencies block in
:compile project(':react-native-get-music-files')
- Add the following
permission toAndroidManifest.xml
Also starting from Android M, users need to be prompted for permission dynamically. Follow this link for more details on how to do that.<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
import MusicFiles from 'react-native-get-music-files';
blured : true, // works only when 'cover' is set to true
artist : true,
duration : true, //default : true
cover : false, //default : true,
genre : true,
title : true,
cover : true,
minimumSongDuration : 10000, // get songs bigger than 10000 miliseconds duration,
fields : ['title','albumTitle','genre','lyrics','artwork','duration'] // for iOs Version
}).then(tracks => {
// do your stuff...
}).catch(error => {
// catch the error
//In order to get blocks of songs, for fix performance issues at least in Android, use next
componentWillMount() {
(params) => {
this.setState({songs : [
id : true,
blured : false,
artist : true,
duration : true, //default : true
cover : true, //default : true,
title : true,
cover : true,
batchNumber : 5, //get 5 songs per batch
minimumSongDuration : 10000, //in miliseconds,
fields : ['title','artwork','duration','artist','genre','lyrics','albumTitle']
MusicFiles returns an array of objects where you can loop, something like this.
id : 1,
title : "La danza del fuego",
author : "Mago de Oz",
album : "Finisterra",
genre : "Folk",
duration : 132132312321, // miliseconds
cover : "file:///sdcard/0/123.png",
blur : "file:///sdcard/0/123-blur.png", //Will come null if createBLur is set to false
path : "/sdcard/0/la-danza-del-fuego.mp3"
This class is essentially an extended version of getMusicFiles but only works on android > 5.0.
- Open up
- Add
import com.drazail.rnandroidstore.RNAndroidStorePackage;
to the imports at the top of the file - Add
new RNAndroidStorePackage()
to the list returned by thegetPackages()
- Append the following lines to
:include ':react-native-get-music-files' project(':react-native-get-music-files').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-get-music-files/android')
- Insert the following lines inside the dependencies block in
:compile project(':react-native-get-music-files')
import { RNAndroidAudioStore } from "react-native-get-music-files";
Type: Object
property type description id string album id album string album name author string author cover string path to album cover numberOfSongs string number of songs in this album -
Type: Object
property type description key string album key artist string album name numberOfAlbums string number of albums numberOfSongs string number of songs id string album id -
Type: Object
property type description id string song id title string title artist string artist album string album name duration string duration in ms path string path of the song
(async, static) getAll(options) → {Promise.<Array.<AObject>>}
Type: Object
property type description blured boolean if true returns path to blured cover, works only when 'cover' is set to true , this is will add a performance hit artist boolean if true returns artist's name duration boolean if true returns duration title boolean if true returns title id boolean if true returns id cover boolean if true returns path to cover , this is will add a performance hit coverFolder string path at which the cover images will be saved, defaults to "covers" coverResizeRatio number if set resizes the cover image, defaults to 1 coverSize number in pixels, if set resizes the cover image, overrides the coverResizeRatio icon boolean if true returns the path to song's thumbnail iconSize number in pixels, if set resizes the icon genre boolean if true returns genre album boolean if true returns album batchNumber number number of songs returned per batch, please refer to notes bellow delay number in ms, defaults to 100, delay between each batch, only owrks if batchNumber is set, please refer to notes bellow minimumSongDuration number minimum duration of the songs returned -
Type: Object
property type description icon string path to icon title string title author string author album string album name duration string duration in ms path string path of the song fileName string fileName cover string path to cover -
is set, this method will not return any value and instead will fire the following events:Type payload.batch description onBatchReceived array of songs number of songs per batch is equal to batchNumber onLastBatchReceived null fires when the last batch has been sent -
paramater determines how many ms should the native side wait before sending the next batch. This should help with UI thread performance on older devices. -
event listeners should be used to catch these events ie:
componentDidMount() { DeviceEventEmitter.addListener( 'onBatchReceived', (p) => { this.setState({ ...this.state, tracks: [...this.state.tracks, p.batch] }) } ) }
(async, static) getSongByPath(options) → {Promise.<Track>>}
This method retrieves metadata directly from the file path.
Type: Object
property type description songUri string path to the song, this is not optional blured boolean if true returns path to blured cover, works only when 'cover' is set to true , this is will add a performance hit cover boolean if true returns path to cover , this is will add a performance hit coverFolder string path at which the cover images will be saved, defaults to "covers" coverResizeRatio number if set resizes the cover image, defaults to 1 coverSize number in pixels, if set resizes the cover image, overrides the coverResizeRatio icon boolean if true returns the path to song's thumbnail iconSize number in pixels, if set resizes the icon -
Type: Track
(async, static) getAlbums(options) → {Promise.<Array.<Album>>}
Type: Object
property type description artist string if provided, returns artist's albums, else return all the albums -
Type: Album
(async, static) getArtists() → {Promise.<Array.<Artist>>}
Type: Artist
(async, static) getSongs(options) → {Promise.<Array.<Track>>}
Type: Object
property type description artist string optional album string optional -
Type: Track
(async, static) search(options) → {Promise.<Array.<Track>>}
Type: Object
property type description searchParam string optional -
returns Type: Track
- [] For android 5 and above, you may request permissions before to use this plugin check
- Removed FFMPEG library, was causing unexpected errors with differents metatags
- Comments, Lyrics and Date tags are not available anymore
- Improvements for Android API <= 19
- Removed unnecesary comments
- Cleanup code
- Fixed javascript side
- Fixed crash in Android KitKat and lower
- MinimumSongDuration parameter is now working
- Renamed library from
- Upgraded gradle to 4.4
- Removed unnecesary logs
- Usable for API <= 19 Android
PR are welcome!