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This document describes the benchmark tools and detailed instructions to use it.

  1. Overview
  2. Dataset generation
  3. Run a configuration on multiple datasets
  4. Analyze the Results


The benchmark tool is designed to evaluate and compare the performance of different configurations on multiple datasets. Each configuration can be different parameters, sensor combination (stereo/mono), etc.

To use it, one needs to do the following

  • Dataset generation
  • Running one configuration / multiple configurations
  • Analyze the results

Dataset generation

Each dataset is organized in a self-contained folder. We provide tools to generate the desired folder from a ROS bag file. See detailed instructions in dataset_tools/

Run a configuration on multiple datasets

To run a configuration on multiple datasets, one first needs to specify a configuration file and put all the datasets in the correct folder.

Prepare a configuration file and datasets

Each configuration is described in a yaml file under experiments folder. The structure of a configuration file is:

# meta information
experiment_label: 'svoceresstereo'
ros_node: svo_ros
ros_node_name: svo_benchmark_with_ceres
  v: 0
  logtostderr: 1

# parameters for the pipeline

# list of datasets to run with the settings above
# the name is the folder contains the dataset in the data folder
  - name: euroc/stereo/MH_01
      dataset_first_frame: 0
  - name: euroc/stereo/MH_04
      dataset_first_frame: 0

You can find multiple examples under experiments folder already.

All the datasets are put in the data folder (you can put a soft link to your actual data folder). The name field of each dataset in the configuration file is the path to the dataset folder. For example, for the above configuration, the folder structure inside data will look like:

├── euroc
│   └── stereo
│       ├── MH_01
│       └── MH_04

Each dataset folder is what we get from using dataset_tools in the previous step. Monocular setup can also be run on a stereo dataset, and only the first camera will be used in that case.

Run a configuration

After the preparation is done, you can run one configuration via

rosrun svo_benchmarking <config_name>.yaml

The results are written to results/<time>_<config_name>, and the results for each dataset are put into a corresponding sub-folder. For example, running the above configuration will generate a folder structure like:

├── 20180425_153857_euroc_stereo
│   ├── MH_01
│   └── MH_04


  • There are also some configurations that allow to run each time several time (--n_trials), customize the evaluation configuraiton (--align_type and --n_aligned). Note that the default setting is to use posyaw for alignment, which may give lower accuracy then se3 or sim3.

  • There will be different estimate files in the folder, depending on the pipeline you executed. For example, if you execute the global map experiment, you will see the following output

    • stamped_traj_estimate.txt: real-time estimate after processing each frame

    • stamped_ba_estimate.txt: bundle adjusted poses from iSAM2 after everything is done Please take care to compare the same type of estimate using the same analysis configuration in your accuracy evaluation. You can use the script in rpg_trajectory_evaluation to change the evaluation configuration files easily

      rosrun rpg_trajectory_evaluation <folder> <align_type> <align_frame>

Analyze the Results

Trajectory accuracy

We recommend to use the evaluation toolbox to analyze the trajectory accuracy. We have already written a eval_cfg.yaml to the result folder, which will be used by the toolbox to determine the alignment parameters for evaluation (default: posyaw and all frames).

Single trajectory accuracy

Basically, you can put the toolbox in your workspace and run (after compiling and sourcing)

rosrun rpg_trajectory_evaluation <result_folder>

Batch evaluation

We provide a script scripts/ to organize the results of mutiple estimation types, multiple trials into the folder structure that can be processed by rpg_trajectory_evaluation toolbox. For example

# in results folder
rosrun svo_ceres_benchmarking ./<results> --est_types traj_est ba_estimate

will generates a folder structure like

└── laptop
    ├── svo_ceres_ba
    │   ├── laptop_svo_ceres_ba_MH_01
    │   ├── laptop_svo_ceres_ba_MH_02
    └── svo_ceres_rp
        ├── laptop_svo_ceres_rp_MH_01
        ├── laptop_svo_ceres_rp_MH_02

Then you can use the example analysis configration analyze_traj_cfg/exp_gm_euroc_all.yaml with rpg_trajectory_evaluation to analyze the accuracy of both bundle adjusted pose and real-time poses conveniently. Please see the documentation in rpg_trajectory_evaluation for details. There are also some other configurations that work for different experiment types (e.g., VIO only, pose graph).

Other evaluation

Different evaluations can be done using the result using the script under scripts. See for details.