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NOTE: extensive documentation on how to use omnitrace for the GhostExchange_Array example is now available as files in the exercises repo. While the testing has been done on Frontier in that documentation, most of the omnitrace tools apply in the same way, hence it could provide additional training matieral.

Here, we show how to use omnitrace tools considering the example in HPCTrainingExamples/HIP/jacobi.

Initial Setup

Setup environment:

module purge
module load omnitrace gcc/13

Next, create a configuration file for omnitrace:

omnitrace-avail -G ~/omnitrace.cfg

If you do not provide a path to the config file, it will generate one in the current directory: ./omnitrace-config.cfg. This config file contains several flags that can be modified to turn on or off several options that impact the visualization of the traces in Perfetto. You can see what flags can be included in the config file by doing:

omnitrace-avail --categories omnitrace

To add brief descriptions, use the -bd option:

omnitrace-avail -bd --categories omnitrace

Note that the list of flags displayed by the commands above may not include all actual flags that can be set in the config.

You can also create a configuration file with description per option. Beware, this is quite verbose:

omnitrace-avail -G ~/omnitrace_all.cfg --all

Next you have to declare that you want to use this configuration file. Note, this is only necessary if you had provided a custom path and/or filename for the config file when you created it.

export OMNITRACE_CONFIG_FILE=~/omnitrace.cfg

Setup Jacobi Example

Go to the Jacobi code in the examples repo:

cd ~/HPCTrainingExamples/HIP/jacobi

Compile the code:


Execute the binary to make sure it runs successfully: <! --Note: To get rid of Read -1, expected 4136, errno = 1 add --mca pml ucx --mca pml_ucx_tls ib,sm,tcp,self,cuda,rocm to the mpirun command line -->

mpirun -np 1 ./Jacobi_hip -g 1 1

Runtime Instrumentation

Run the code with omnitrace-instrument to perform runtime instrumentation: this will produce a series of directories whose name is define by the time they were crated. In one of these directories, you can find the wall_clock-<proc_ID>.txt file, which includes information on the function calls made in the code, such as how many times these calls have been called (COUNT) and the time in seconds they took in total (SUM):

mpirun -np 1 omnitrace-instrument -- ./Jacobi_hip -g 1 1

The above command produces a folder called instrumentation that contains the available.txt file, which shows all the functions that can be instrumented. To instrument a specific function, include the --function-include <fnc> option in the omnitrace-instrument command, for example:

mpirun -np 1 omnitrace-instrument -v 1 -I 'Jacobi_t::Run' 'JacobiIteration' -- ./Jacobi_hip -g 1 1

The output provided by the above command will show that only those functions have bene instrumented:

[omnitrace][exe]    1 instrumented funcs in JacobiIteration.hip
[omnitrace][exe]    1 instrumented funcs in JacobiRun.hip
[omnitrace][exe]    1 instrumented funcs in Jacobi_hip
[omnitrace][exe]    2 instrumented funcs in

Alternatively, you can use the --print-available functions option as shown below. The --simulate option will exit after outputting the diagnostics, the - v option is for verbose output:

(NOTE: the output of the next command may be lengthy, you may want to pipe it to a file using >> out.txt at the end of the line to make searching it easier afterwards.)

mpirun -np 1 omnitrace-instrument -v 1 --simulate --print-available functions -- ./Jacobi_hip -g 1 1

Binary Rewrite

You can create an instrumented binary using omnitrace-instrument: notice that this doesn't take very long to run:

omnitrace-instrument -o ./Jacobi_hip.inst -- ./Jacobi_hip

Execute the new instrumented binary using the omnitrace-run command inside mpirun. This is the recommended way to profile MPI applications as omnitrace will separate the output files for each rank:

mpirun -np 1 omnitrace-run -- ./Jacobi_hip.inst -g 1 1

To see the list of the instrumented GPU calls, make sure to turn on the OMNITRACE_PROFILE flag in your config file:

OMNITRACE_PROFILE                                  = true

Running the instrumented binary again, you can see that it generated a few extra files. One of those has a list of instrumented GPU calls and durations of those calls:

cat omnitrace-Jacobi_hip.inst-output/<TIMESTAMP>/roctracer-0.txt

Debugging omnitrace-run

If you get errors when you run an instrumented binary or when you run with runtime instrumentation, add the following options --monochrome -v 2 --debug and try: this would give you additional debug information to assist you in figuring out where the problem may lie:

mpirun -np 1 omnitrace-run --monochrome -v 1 --debug -- ./Jacobi_hip.inst -g 1 1


Copy the perfetto-trace-0.proto to your local machine, and using the Chrome browser open the web page

scp -i <path/to/ssh/key> -P <port_number> <username><path/to/proto/file> .

Click Open trace file and select the .proto file. Below, you can see an example of how a .proto file would be visualized on Perfetto:


Hardware Counters

To see a list of all the counters for all the devices on the node, do:

omnitrace-avail --all

Declare in your configuration file:


Check again:


Run the instrumented binary, and you will observe an output file for each hardware counter specified. You should also see a row for each hardware counter in the perfetto trace generated by Omnitrace.

Note that you do not have to instrument again after making changes to the config file. Just running the instrumented binary picks up the changes you make in the config file. Ensure that the OMNITRACE_CONFIG_FILE environment variable is pointing to your config file.

mpirun -np 1 omnitrace-run -- ./Jacobi_hip.inst -g 1 1

The output should show something like this:

...]> Outputting 'omnitrace-Jacobi_hip.inst-output/<TIMESTAMP>/rocprof-device-0-VALUUtilization-0.json'
...]> Outputting 'omnitrace-Jacobi_hip.inst-output/<TIMESTAMP>/rocprof-device-0-VALUUtilization-0.txt'
...]> Outputting 'omnitrace-Jacobi_hip.inst-output/<TIMESTAMP>/rocprof-device-0-FetchSize-0.json'
...]> Outputting 'omnitrace-Jacobi_hip.inst-output/<TIMESTAMP>/rocprof-device-0-FetchSize-0.txt'

If you do not want to see the details for every CPU core, modify the config file to select only what you want to see, say CPU cores 0-2 only:

OMNITRACE_SAMPLING_CPUS                            = 0-2

Now running the instrumented binary again will show significantly fewer CPU lines in the profile:

mpirun -np 1 omnitrace-run -- ./Jacobi_hip.inst -g 1 1

Profiling Multiple Ranks

Run the instrumented binary with multiple ranks. You'll find multiple perfetto-trace-*.proto files, one for each rank (note that depending on your system it may be necessary to do a salloc prior to the command below to ensure enough resources ara available):

mpirun -np 2 omnitrace-run -- ./Jacobi_hip.inst -g 2 1

You can visualize them separately in Perfetto, or combine them using cat and visualize them in the same Perfetto window (trace concatenation is not available in all omnitrace versions):

cat perfetto-trace-0.proto perfetto-trace-1.proto > allprocesses.proto


Set the following in your configuration file:


Execute the instrumented binary and visualize the perfetto trace:

mpirun -np 1 omnitrace-run -- ./Jacobi_hip.inst -g 1 1

Scroll down to the very bottom to see the sampling output. Those traces will be annotated with a (S) as well.

Kernel Timings

Open the wall_clock-0.txt file:

cat omnitrace-Jacobi_hip.inst-output/<TIMESTAMP>/wall_clock-0.txt

In order to see the kernel durations aggregated in your configuration file, make sure to set in your config file or in the environment:


Execute the code and check the wall_clock-0.txt file again. Instead of updating the config file, you can also set the environment variables to achieve the same effect.

OMNITRACE_PROFILE=true OMNITRACE_FLAT_PROFILE=true mpirun -np 1 omnitrace-run -- ./Jacobi_hip.inst -g 1 1