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Pumba Demo

Stop/Restart random container

  1. Split screen horizontally
  2. Run 10 Docker containers in bottom screen: ./
  3. Run pumba stopping and restarting random container: ./

Pause/Resume Docker container

  1. Split screen horizontally
  2. Run test container printing time every second: ./
  3. Run pumba to pause/resume main process: ./

Delay network traffic

  1. Split screen horizontally
  2. Run "ping" container pinging ./
  3. Run pumba adding 3000ms ± 20 delay to the "ping" container: ./

Add packet loss to egress traffic

  1. Split screen horizontally
  2. Split bottom screen vertically
  3. On the right bottom screen run UDP server: ./
  4. On the left bottom screen run UDP client: ./; send datagrams to the UDP server
  5. Run pumba adding packet loss to client egress traffic: ./

Stress-testing container

  1. Split screen horizontally
  2. Run test container and show Docker stats: ./

Kubernetes demo: delay and pause

  1. Split screen horizontally
  2. Split bottom screen vertically
  3. On the left bottom screen, run Pod in interactive mode: ./ - Pod prints time every second
  4. On the right bottom screen, run Pod in interactive mode: ./ - Pod pings
  5. On the top screen, deploy pumba DaemonSet with two commands running pause and delay