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CCXT Cryptocurrency Trading Library Examples


To run the ccxt examples from any folder type one of the following commands in console.


JavaScript Examples

node path/to/example.js # substitute for actual filename here

These examples might require the following super-useful high-quality Node.js modules by xpl:

All of the modules above are installed with the ccxt library devDependencies by npm automatically.

bitcoin ascii chart


Python Examples


python path/to/ # substitute for actual filename here


PHP Examples

php -f path/to/example.php # substitute for actual filename here

See Also

CCXT Pro – a professional addon to CCXT with support for WebSocket streams.

Freqtrade – leading opensource cryptocurrency algorithmic trading software based on CCXT!

Blockpit – Tax reporting and portfolio tracking for Cryptocurrencies, Cryptoderivates and DeFi.

DCAStack – An automated open-source Dollar Cost Averaging bot for crypto (built with CCXT).

Projects based on ccxt – A list of hundreds of ccxt-based projects by developers from all over the world!

The Evolution Of CCXT – A Gource visualization on the development of the CCXT code repository.

Playing with CCXT in Google Colab – An article on how useful Colab can be for quick prototyping and testing your trading ideas with CCXT.

What is the Best Crypto Trading Bot in 2020? – Ultimate guide on crypto trading bots in 2020 by HodlBlog.

Enigma Catalyst – The major effort towards decentralized exchanges integrates ccxt!

Geographic Latency in Crypto: How to Optimally Co-Locate Your AWS Trading Server to Any Exchange API – An article overviewing the aspects of latencies for global cryptocurrency trading.

CCXT - Cryptocurrency Exchange Trading Library Tutorial – A YouTube video tutorial on CCXT!

CCXT Crypto Bot - Order Execution with Python – Making a CCXT Bot on YouTube!

FTX API (Crypto Exchange) and Google Cloud Functions – A video on trading with CCXT and Google Cloud Functions!

VectorBT Scheduler, Alpaca Crypto API, Stochastic Oscillator – A video tutorial on CCXT + VectorBT Scheduler + Alpaca Crypto API + Stochastic Oscillator.

Coinbase Pro, TradingView Webhooks, and Google Cloud Functions – How to automate your trading by connecting Coinbase Pro to Google Cloud Functions using TradingView Webhooks and CCXT!

CCXT - Crypto Trading – An awesome video playlist on CCXT and tons of other cool videos by Part Time Larry!

CCXT Python Crypto Tutorials – CCXT Python Crypto Tutorials on YouTube!

Python and CCXT Grid Bot Tutorial – A video tutorial on building a Grid Bot with Python and CCXT!

JavaScript CCXT Grid Bot vs. Python – A video comparison of using CCXT to write a Grid Bot in JavaScript vs Python.

Crypto Trading Bot In Python – An article on structuring a basic bot with CCXT and Python.

Writing a crypto trading bot – How to write an automated trading bot, for fun and profit.

Daily Binance Crypto Trade Signals – How to use Kaggle’s schedule feature to build a daily cryptocurrency trade signals webpage.

graphql-ccxt – Joins together GraphQL and CCXT: can fetch prices, read balance, open orders, ... on multiple exchanges at once.

ccxt-go – CCXT port to Go (Golang).

The GDAX Trading Toolkit (GTT) – a trading toolkit developed by the GDAX team that integrates the CCXT library!

CC Power Analytics Part 1: How to get the data of the exchanges – The first part of a series of articles on cryptocurrency analytics.

tv2bt: Kraken Example, without leverage – an article on using CCXT for backtesting.

Looking for arbitrage opportunies with ccxt – An article @steemit on getting arbitrage started with ccxt for crypto-arbitrage.

Use CCXT to calculate Cryptocurrency trade indicators – an article @ Medium on building basic indicators using CCXT.

A n00bs Guide To Deep Cryptocurrency Trading – An article @ Medium on deep neural trading using ccxt for backend tasks.

A Video Crash-Course On Using CCXT – A series of awesome video tutorials on getting started with CCXT!

Integrando el API de Binance y Kucoin con CCXT en Python – An article in Spanish on using CCXT in Python.

Let’s write a cryptocurrency bot – A multi-part advanced tutorial on a new cryptocurrency trading framework also integrating ccxt. CCXT Templates – Naas notebooks enable you to easily access data, automation and AI.

How to Buy and Sell Bitcoin with Python – How to Buy and Sell Bitcoin with Python using CCXT.

Beginners Python Guide To CCXT Crypto API – A guide to working with CCXT in Python.

Download Cryptocurrency Data with CCXT – A sample script to download historical data from exchanges with a video overview: Easy Python script to download crypto currency market data with CCXT package.

How to Properly Download and Validate Cryptocurrency Data – An article explaining how to properly obtain cryptocurrency price and volume data for use in trading and statistical modeling (with CCXT).

Step-By-Step Guide to Installing Python and CCXT Library – A video tutorial on installing CCXT and Python on MS Windows.

ccxt 를 사용하여 가상화폐 데이터 다운로드하기 – A Korean translation of the above article.

Getting started with CCXT Crypto Exchange Library and Python – An article on using CCXT to pull different kinds of data from exchanges and for trading automation.

Experiments : Creating a Crypto Twitter Bot to Announce Newly Listed CryptoCoins – An article on how to integrate with CCXT and Twitter to get new currencies from exchanges automatically.

CCXT Exercise Index (Python) – All CCXT exercises for Python by number and subject. It will be continuously updated as more exercises are added!

How to make your own trading bot – A tutorial on algortrading in Python.

Writing crypto trading bot in Python with Telegram and ccxt – A tutorial on programming a Telegram bot in Python with CCXT

Data science is eating the world — Here’s how you can start exploring it – An article on collecting and analyzing financial big data.

Chasing fake volume: a crypto-plague – An article @ Medium on trading volumes analysis.

TradingBot series — Architecture for a trading bot – An article on building a trading bot using Python, exchange APIs, Backtrader, Telegram and CCXT.

Create Your Own Python Server to Gather High Granularity Market Data for Cryptocurrencies (And use it to create a Neural Network Trading Bot) – A read on collecting and analyzing data with neural neutworks and CCXT.

How to build an AI crypto robo trader on binance in python with jupyter notebook – An article on creating algorithhmic trading bots with Jupyter Notebooks and CCXT.

Advanced Cryptocurrency Trading Bot — Python — Open Source – An article in the course Creating a Cryptocurrency Trading Bot in Python by @BlockchainEngineer

Use of JavaScript for Blockchain Projects – An overview of the available tools for developers.

Crypto-Aggregator: My Open Source Alternative to CoinMarketCap – An article on how to make your own aggregator similar to CoinMarketCap with Node.js and CCXT.

Building some node js tools to setup machine learning trading – An article in a series on setting up some tools to get started with machine learning for crypto trading.

Trade and Invest Smarter — The Reinforcement Learning Way – A deep dive into trading and investing using deep reinforcement learning with Python.

Cryptocurrencies and APIs – A presentation given to kick off the Bloomberg cryptocurrency hackathon and as a Recurse Center talk.

How to use CCXT to algo trade – An easy to watch video tutorial on how to use CCXT for algotrading.

Perform Currency Conversions And Get Bitcoin Prices In Python – an article showing how to use CCXT to get exchange rates, Bitcoin prices and perform currency conversions.

Using Apache Airflow ETL to fetch and analyze BTC data – how to use CCXT with Apache Airflow ETL for Bitcoin pricing data analysis.

Generic Position and Pnl Calculation – Using CCXT for fetching positions to calculate PnL.

TensorTrade: Trade Efficiently with Reinforcement Learning – TensorTrade is an open source Python framework for building, training, evaluating, and deploying robust trading algorithms using reinforcement learning.

Never Pay Fees Again: Mimic Market Buys with Limit Chase Orders in Python – A tutorial on how to automate your maker fees.

Step-By-Step Guide to Installing Python and CCXT Library – A step-by-step video guide to installing Python and CCXT library which are used by many tools and bots running on MT4 and MT5 platforms on Windows.

Download Historical Data of All Cryptocoins with CCXT for free – An article on explaining how to download historical market data with CCXT.

비트코인 해외 거래소 API - 바이낸스 CCXT설치 – Using CCXT to trade with Binance API, a video overview of CCXT in Korean.

ccxt_라이브러리 – A quick short demo of CCXT on YouTube.

CCXTが便利な理由!CCXTライブラリをインストールしよう – An article in Japanese on getting CCXT up and running.

如何通過CCXT下載比特幣歷史數據? How to download Bitcoin price data with CCXT – A video tutorial on how to download historical Bitcoin price data using CCXT.

暗号通貨自動売買 RSI CCXTとpythonで自動売買 プログラミング bitget – Automatic cryptocurrency trading with CCXT and Python

Bitflyerや各取引所の個別APIをCCXTライブラリ経由で直接利用する方法 – How to use Bitflyer and individual API of each exchange directly via the CCXT library.

CCXTライブラリでBitflyerに注文を出す方法をマスターする – Master placing orders on Bitflyer with the CCXT library.

CCXTでBitflyerに出した注文を管理・キャンセルする方法 – How to manage and cancel orders placed on Bitflyer with CCXT

Bitflyerの未約定の全注文をCCXTで一括でキャンセルする方法 – How to cancel all uncommitted orders of Bitflyer in bulk with CCXT

Python3とCCXTライブラリを用いたBitMEX自動売買bot作成Tips – An article in Japanese on getting started with CCXT and a few bot tips.

ccxtの使い方:pythonで価格取得や残高確認できるAPI ccxt – An nice overview of using CCXT in Python.

CCXT 开发手册 – CCXT Manual translated to Chinese.

交易所接口开发 使用CCXT连接BINANCE交易所获取行情 StudyQuant – A video tutorial on CCXT in Chinese (part 1).

交易所接口开发 2使用CCXT连接BINANCE交易所获取订单余额 StudyQuant – A video tutorial on CCXT in Chinese (part 2).

如何学习CCXT框架,CCXT框架的使用以及修改交易所的API设置。 讲解如何学习CCXT框架,如何修改和设置CCXT框架中交易所实例的内容设置, 如何获取Tick和行情数据等。 – A video on getting started with CCXT and working with market data.

第二十课:如何使用CCXT框架获取交易所账户信息,下单和查询订单等私有API接口的调用, 以及如何处理交易所返回的数据 – A video on working with private data in CCXT.

第21课:如何开微信交易所下单机器人以及如何修改CCXT火币交易所api设置等问题解答 – A video explaining how to write a WeChat bot and how to configure CCXT.

Python数字货币量化交易开发入门视频-利用CCXT获取bitmex交易所的行情数据 – A video in Chinese on how to get started with CCXT in Python and a tutorial on OHLCV + Pandas export to CSV.

BitMEX自動売買Bot「MANA 1.0.1」の全て – An example of automatic BitMEX Bot MANA 1.0.1.

BitMEX 自動売買BOT開発 (API編) ① 開発環境の構築、APIライブラリの詳細、全APIマップ – An article on developing an automatic BitMEX trading bot.

仮想通貨トレード Bot 制作に便利な CCXT ライブラリに関する知見まとめ (Python 随時更新) – A summary on Python version of CCXT API in Japanese.

Python3とCCXTを使用して仮想通貨の自動売買プログラムを作る – Automatic cryptocurrency trading using Python 3 and CCXT

ccxtを使って裁定取引botを作ってみたらなぜか虚しくなった件 – An article in Japanese explaining the basics of programming an arbitrage bot with CCXT.

Python 3 / BitMEX の BOT を作ろう CCXT + BOT サンプルコード 〈基礎編〉 – A sample of basic BitMEX bot with CCXT in Python 3.

ccxtがbtcfxbot界隈でちょっと話題になっていたので使ってみた – Trying CCXT for a basic bot.

python異步加協程獲取比特幣市場信息 – An article in Chinese on using CCXT with Python.

数字货币量化交易1 【群友 Shadow 自制】ccxt 的python版本安装及使用入门 – Trading Digital Currencies 1: Installing and using the Python version of ccxt (video in Chinese)

数字货币量化交易2 【群友 林军 自制】ccxt Unified API命令详解及node版本使用演示 – Trading Digital Currencies 2: Using unified CCXT API (video in Chinese)

数字货币量化交易3 ccxt Custom API命令详解及node版本使用演示 – Trading Digital Currencies 3: Details on using custom exchange-specific implicit methods in ccxt (video in Chinese)

币圈程序化交易被使用最多的开源项目:ccxt – An article explaining what CCXT is.

CCXT框架爬取Bybit交易所历史行情数据和pandas数据处理 – A video explaining how to use CCXT with Pandas in Chinese.

Algorithmic Trading - Aula 4 – A video introduction to algorithmic trading with CCXT from Curso Algo Trading in Portuguese language.

Лучшая криптотрейдинг библиотека? – An article in Russian on setting up CCXT to connect and trade with crypto exchanges.

Présentation de projet - Créer un Bot Telegram de A à Z (+CCXT) – La création d'un bot Telegram en Node.js, qui va rechercher des informations sur les différentes marketpalce de crypto-monnaies, et cela via la librairie CCXT.

ربات آربیتراژ با CCXT و پایتون - آموزش ساخت ربات آربیتراژ ارز دیجیتال - ویژه مبتدیان – A CCXT Tutorial On Quick Arbs In Persian language

Simple trading bot in JavaScript using ~40 lines of code – A demo of how to make a trading bot with CCXT.

Using ccxt and technicalindicators to calculate MACD for BTC/USDT with Node.js – A runkit sample showing how to fetch data and run statistical calculations.

Which Bitcoin crypto currency bot project? Gekko vs ccxt vs Tribeca vs Blackbird – A video comparison of opensource cryptocurrency trading platforms.

LOC-Extension – a LibreOffice extension which embeds ccxt to provide cryptocurrency price lookup in your spreadsheets.

CryptoMon Bot - helps tracking of your cryptocurrency investments and making smart, informed buy/sell decisions.

ZenBot - a command-line cryptocurrency trading bot using Node.js and MongoDB.

bitcoin-chart-cli by madnight – a command-line console util that draws Bitcoin, Ether, Litecoin and many altcoin charts right in the terminal!


It uses the asciichart JavaScript module by kroitor for nice-looking lightweight ASCII line charting )) Both packages are available in npm!


Special thx to MitchTalmadge for porting this package to Java language! Java-people, check it out here: ASCIIGraph.