I'm wear glasses, always bent over my computer. loving Python languange and automation. I'm always eager to learn more about life and technology.
- New York City
for forked starred repositories
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huogerac / djavue
Forked from evolutio/djavuevue-cli template for a full-stack production-ready web application using Django and Vue.js
OpenSnitch is a GNU/Linux application firewall
A fork of webpack-simple vue template, with a few personal touches
vcaldas / python-guide-pt_br
Forked from realpython/python-guideThe PT-BR Version of the famous Hitchikers Guide to Python
PaulStoffregen / spi4teensy3
Forked from xxxajk/spi4teensy3Faster SPI library optimized for the teensy 3.0 from pjrc.com
inn1983 / documents
Forked from allwinner-zh/documentsdocuments from allwinner.
Updated Jan 13, 2015
inn1983 / ct_webcam_rtspd
Forked from sunkwei/ct_webcam_rtspda rtspd of webcam on cubieboard.
inn1983 / ZoneMinder
Forked from ZoneMinder/zoneminderZoneMinder is a free, open source Closed-circuit television software application developed for Linux which supports IP, USB and Analog cameras.