Testing whether clj-uuid library can be used in a native binary image with GraalVM.
Currently testing:
[clj-uuid "0.1.9"]
Test with:
lein do clean, uberjar, native, run-native
and (uuid/v5)
with objects as the local constituent will fail.
(uuid/v3 uuid/+namespace-url+ "I am clearly not a URL") => works!
(uuid/v5 uuid/+namespace-url+ "I am clearly not a URL") => works!
(uuid/v3 uuid/+namespace-url+ :keyword) => fails!
(uuid/v3 uuid/+namespace-url+ 'this-symbol) => fails!
(uuid/v5 uuid/+namespace-url+ :keyword) => fails!
(uuid/v5 uuid/+namespace-url+ 'this-symbol) => fails!
Exception in thread "main" com.oracle.svm.core.jdk.UnsupportedFeatureError: ObjectOutputStream.writeObject()
This is because GraalVM currently doesn't support Java serialization, as seen issue 460. PR 2323 attempts to address this issue. "Until the time comes. The way is shut."