clort81 / bible-sh
Forked from likeich/bible-shA very simple Bible app for the Miyoo Mini with Onion OS
schmurtzm / gmu
Forked from TechDevangelist/gmuThe Gmu Music Player - Miyoo Mini
clort81 / DungGine
Forked from razterizer/DungGineA dungeon engine for rogue-like style games.
JonathanSeriesX / rembg-trainer
Forked from xuebinqin/U-2-NetCode to train U2Net model for use with rembg tool
MLC Stable Diffusion for RK3588's Mali GPU
clort81 / digdug
Forked from l-hackari/digdugA remake of Dig Dug in C++ using Allegro
LostRuins / koboldcpp
Forked from ggml-org/llama.cppRun GGUF models easily with a KoboldAI UI. One File. Zero Install.
fionafibration / hacking_chorder
Forked from clc/chorderHacking Chorder input device. See:
ValleyBell / vgmtrans
Forked from vgmtrans/vgmtransVGMTrans - Video Game Music Translator
LukasErekson / pyrisk
Forked from leoandeol/pyriskRisk with python and ncurses
leoandeol / pyrisk
Forked from chronitis/pyriskRisk with python and ncurses
bondolo / tribaltrouble
Forked from sunenielsen/tribaltroubleRestoration fork of classic Java Real Time Strategy Game Tribal Trouble
Tribal Trouble with (8) Player support on a Huge Island.
Nintendo NES sound file NSF music player
kentjhall / horizon-linux
Forked from torvalds/linuxarm64 Linux patched to run programs for the Nintendo Switch’s Horizon OS
afiaka87 / tortoise-tts
Forked from neonbjb/tortoise-ttsA multi-voice TTS system trained with an emphasis on quality
Optimized Stable Diffusion modified to run on lower GPU VRAM
deltabeard / MiniGBS
Forked from baines/MiniGBSSmall .gbs chiptune player for Linux and Windows
jgmdev / wf-shell
Forked from WayfireWM/wf-shellA GTK3-based panel for wayfire
jariseon / amame
Forked from mamedev/mameAMAME : mame synths as VST plugins
An attempt to port lossyWAV to LINUX.
tiansiyuan / glypha_III
Forked from softdorothy/Glypha3Sources to the shareware game for the Macintosh written by John Calhoun in the 90's.
karlstav / fusuma
Forked from iberianpig/fusumaMultitouch gestures with libinput driver on X11, Linux
smokku / soldat-base
Forked from opensoldat/baseSoldat's base game content