Following are barebone compilation instructions. They probably won't work but #utox on freenode can probably help you out.
If you're looking for it to "just work" you're going to want these instructions.
Before compiling make sure you have all of the dependencies installed.
The easy way out is:
git clone --recursive git://
cd uTox/
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make install
To build the binary with debug symbols (e.g. for debugging with gdb) you should append the
option to thecmake ..
command above.In that case you want to set the env variable
for the address sanitizer (ASAN) to show nicer stack traces. See for more details.
or if you want to link toxcore statically:
git clone --recursive git://
cd uTox/
mkdir build
cd build
make install
For the build to pass you need to install the following from sources: filteraudio libtoxcore
If you use clang on a musl system, you may need to disable link-time optimizations, in case you get linking errors like the following:
/bin/x86_64-unknown-linux-musl-ld: src/av/libutoxAV.a: error adding symbols: archive has no index; run ranlib to add one
clang-9: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
In that case, you need to pass -DENABLE_LTO=OFF
to cmake.
Tested on Ubuntu 18.04
sudo apt-get install build-essential libtool autotools-dev automake checkinstall check git yasm libopus-dev libvpx-dev pkg-config libfontconfig1-dev libdbus-1-dev libv4l-dev libxrender-dev libopenal-dev libxext-dev cmake
git clone git://
cd filter_audio
sudo checkinstall
cd ..
git clone git://
cd c-toxcore
cmake .
sudo checkinstall
cd ..
sudo ldconfig
git clone --recursive git://
cd uTox/
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo checkinstall
Have fun!
If you're looking for a good IDE, Netbeans is very easy to set up for uTox. In fact, you can just create a new project from the existing sources and everything should work fine.
First install the dependencies:
doas pkg_add openal cmake libv4l toxcore git check
Optionally install D-Bus and GTK+3:
doas pkg_add dbus gtk+3
Now compile uTox:
git clone --recursive git://
cd uTox/
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j `sysctl -n hw.ncpu`
make test
doas make install
Install the dependencies:
sudo pkg install libv4l v4l_compat openal-soft toxcore git check
Optionally install D-Bus, GTK+3 and filteraudio:
sudo pkg install dbus libfilteraudio gtk3
Now compile uTox:
git clone --recursive git://
cd uTox/
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make test
sudo make install
Install the dependencies:
sudo pkgin install openal-soft cmake libv4l toxcore git check
Optionally install D-Bus and GTK+3:
sudo pkgin install dbus gtk3
Now compile uTox:
git clone --recursive git://
cd uTox/
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make test
sudo make install
Tested on Windows 10.
You will need a working Cygwin environment.
- Download Cygwin (x86/x64)
- Search and select exactly these packages in Devel category:
- mingw64-i686-gcc-core (x86) / mingw64-x86_64-gcc-core (x64)
- make
- cmake
All following commands should be executed in Cygwin Terminal.
cd /cygdrive/c
mkdir projects
cd projects/
git clone --recursive git://
cd uTox/
mkdir libs
cd libs/
mkdir windows-x32
or mkdir windows-x64
cd ../uTox/
mkdir build
cd build
Download .zip files and place them into windows-x32
or windows-x64
Extract here with your archiver and merge when it'll ask for replacement:
- toxcore (x86/x64)
- openal (x86/x64)
- sodium (x86/x64)
- libvpx (x86/x64)
- opus (x86/x64)
- filter_audio (x86/x64)
And go back to terminal (make sure you're still in build
For x86:
cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE="../cmake/toolchain-win32.cmake" -DSTATIC_TOXCORE=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. make
For x64:
cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE="../cmake/toolchain-win64.cmake" -DSTATIC_TOXCORE=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. make
brew tap tox/tox
brew install --HEAD utox
For details see
Requires Android SDK+NDK
From uTox root folder, using prebuilt static toxcore + freetype libraries (includes in ../include and libs in ../lib), resulting apk is ./tmp/tmp2.apk:
mkdir ./tmp
mkdir ./tmp/java
mkdir ./tmp/libs
mkdir ./tmp/libs/armeabi
keytool -genkey -v -keystore ./tmp/debug.keystore -alias $ALIAS -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 20000
arm-linux-androideabi-gcc --sysroot=$NDK_PATH/platforms/android-9/arch-arm/ -I../include/freetype2/ -I../include/ ./*.c ./png/png.c -llog -landroid -lEGL -lGLESv2 -lOpenSLES ../lib/libtoxcore.a ../lib/libtoxav.a ../lib/libsodium.a ../lib/libopus.a ../lib/libvpx.a ../lib/libfreetype.a -lm -lz -ldl -shared -o ./tmp/libs/armeabi/
/aapt package -f -M ./android/AndroidManifest.xml -S ./android/res -I $SDK_PATH/platforms/android-10/android.jar -F ./tmp/tmp1.apk -J ./tmp/java
javac -d ./tmp/java ./tmp/java/
dx --dex --output=./tmp/classes.dex ./tmp/java
java -classpath $SDK_PATH/tools/lib/sdklib.jar ./tmp/tmp2.apk -u -z ./tmp/tmp1.apk -f ./tmp/classes.dex -nf ./tmp/libs
jarsigner -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore ./tmp/debug.keystore -storepass $PASSWORD ./tmp/tmp2.apk $ALIAS
Come to think of it, this section is woefully out of date. The android build script in tools/ is likely to be more helpful at this point. Or come to #utox on Freenode and ask for grayhatter. If you're interested in working on android. He'll get you a build environment set up!