- London, United Kingdom
A collection of design patterns/idioms in Python
Minimal examples of data structures and algorithms in Python
Simple, Pythonic remote execution and deployment.
Generic automation framework for acceptance testing and RPA
bottle.py is a fast and simple micro-framework for python web-applications.
A Python implementation of global optimization with gaussian processes.
Access large language models from the command-line
Spearmint is a package to perform Bayesian optimization according to the algorithms outlined in the paper: Practical Bayesian Optimization of Machine Learning Algorithms. Jasper Snoek, Hugo Laroche…
Chat with any codebase in under two minutes | Fully local or via third-party APIs
Concatenate a directory full of files into a single prompt for use with LLMs
Use the IPython notebook as an interactive Markdown editor
Apply custom CSS styling to your jupyter notebooks
Python/numpy bootstrap confidence interval estimation.
Engineer your reusable, customizable, prompt library in Marimo reactive notebooks
Automate execution of Jupyter Notebooks from another Notebook.
Example Repository for Building Complex Data Pipeline with Luigi +TD
Robot Framework keyword library wrapper for BrowserMob Proxy