Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering in JavaScript. (that plays nice with d3.js).
by @ChrisPolis
var colorCluster = hcluster()
.distance('euclidean') // support for 'euclidean' and 'angular'
.linkage('avg') // support for 'avg', 'max' and 'min'
.verbose(true) // false by default
.posKey('rgbValue') // 'position' by default
.onProgress(func) // optional function to provide that will be called on each iteration step with the percent complete (0 to 1) as its first argument
// pass in an array of objects w/ array values for 'position' or specified posKey()
.data(colors); // as an array of objects w/ array values for 'position'
// integrate into d3 layout.cluster
var cluster = d3.layout.cluster().size([200, 200]),
nodes = cluster.nodes(colorCluster.tree()),
links = cluster.links(nodes);
// get the tree, cut incertain ways
colorCluster.orderedNodes(); // returns array of leaves, ordered by tree structure
colorCluster.getClusters(k); // return k(2 to n) clusters of leaves