OctoPrint-TFT, a touch interface for TFT touch modules based on GTK+3.
Is a X application to be executed directly in the X Server without any windows manager, as frontend of a OctoPrint server in a Raspberry Pi equipped with any TFT Touch module.
Allows you to control your 3D Printer, like you can do with any TFT/LCD panel, but using OctoPrint and a Raspberry Pi.
TouchUI, is an amazing plugin for Octoprint, was created as a responsive design for access to OctoPrint, from low resolution devices, such as smartphones, tablets, etc.
Executing TouchUI under a RPi w/TFT modules, presents two big problems, first isn't optimized to be used with resistive touch screens with low resolutions like 480x320 and second requires a browser to be access, consuming a lot of resources.
This is the main reason because I develop this X application to be executed in my 3d printer.
OctoPrint-TFT is based on Golang, usually this means that is dependency less, but in this cases GTK+3 is used, this means that GTK+3 libraries are required to be installed on the system.
If you are using Raspian
or any other Debian
based distribution, GTK+3 can
be installed using:
sudo apt-get install libgtk-3
The compilation and packaging tasks are managed by the Makefile
and backed on Docker. Docker is used to avoid install any other
dependencies since all the operations are done inside of the container.
If you need to install docker inside Raspbian
or any other linux distrubution
just run:
curl -fsSL get.docker.com -o get-docker.sh
sh get-docker.sh
You can read more about this at
To compile the project, assuming that your already cloned this repository, just
execute the build
target, this will generate in build
folder all the binaries
and debian packages:
> make build
> ls -1 build/
If you are using Raspbian
you can install any of the .deb
generated packages.
If not, just use the compiled binary.