This directory contains all the Web Application files for the Python Flask App. The Flask App and nginx are connected with gunicorn Web Server Gateway Interface (WSGI).
- OS: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
- language: Python 3.4.3
- application server: Flask 0.12.2, Jinja2 2.9.6
- database: mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.7.18
- python style: PEP 8 (v. 1.7.0)
- web static style: W3C Validator
- Test Flask App integration with Storage Engine:
$ cat 7-dump.sql | mysql -uroot -p
- Test complete integation with files AirBnB HTML:
. Execute from root directory (AirBnB_clone
) with all the necessary environmental variables to establish the database storage model:
$ cat 100-dump.sql | mysql -uroot -p
$ python3 -m web_flask.100-hbnb
MIT License