AD4M (Agent-Centric Distributed Application Meta-Ontology) is an abstract interface definition that tries to distill the quintessence of agent-centric software architecture such that applications can choose to become interoprable by building components congruent to this interface. It introduces a simple and powerful ontology consisting of three entities
- Agent (=user/human)
- Language (=space of expressions / combining storage and UI on an abstract level)
- Perspective (=what an agent perceives / spaces of links (triplets) between expressions)
See the AD4M repository for a more detailed description as well as TypeScript classes and interfaces.
Using this as the local back-end / middleware, all that's left to do in order to build an AD4M based / compatible application is writing a UI that connects to this AD4M executor via it's GraphQL interface and potentially adding custom AD4M Languages. See Perspect3ve for a working example.
So this package can be used for starting an AD4M node.js runtime.
will listen for calls from the host on the event init
. Upon receiving this event it will spawn the AD4M runtime; this runtime is interfaced with and managed via a locally running graphql server. Information on the topology of this server can be found here.
More information about the AD4M ontology and scope can be found here.
npm i
npm run build