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AD4M connection library and wizard for apps

This package makes it easy for AD4M apps to connect to a local or remote AD4M executor by handling all the complex things like finding the local executor port, requesting and storing a capability token, creating and recreating an Ad4mClient.

Usage (from Node / Electron)

Install the package: npm install -s @perspect3vism/ad4m-connect

Import ad4mConnect():

import { ad4mConnect } from '@perspect3vism/ad4m-connect/dist/electron'


const { ad4mConnect } = require('@perspect3vism/ad4m-connect/dist/electron')

and then just call that function with parameters of your app:

    // Provide the name of your app to be displayed in the dialog
    appName: "Perspect3ve",
    // Provide an icon to be displayed in the dialog as well
    appIconPath: path.join(__dirname, "graphics", "Logo.png"),
    // Name the capabilities your app needs
    // (this is an example with all capabilities)
    capabilities: [{"with":{"domain":"*","pointers":["*"]},"can":["*"]}],
    // Provide a directory in which the capability token and the executor
    // URL will be stored such that future calls won't even open a dialog
    // but try the token against that URL and resolve immediately
    // if it works.
    dataPath: path.join(homedir(), '.perspect3ve')
    .then(({client, capabilityToken, executorUrl}) => {
        // Retrieved `capabilityToken` and selected `executorUrl` are returned
        // but all that is really needed is `client` which is a fully setup
        // (including capability token) and working Ad4mClient.
        // Both, the URL and the token have already been stored on disk
        // in the directory provided as `dataPath`.
        // Consequetive calls
    .catch(()=> {
        console.log("User closed AD4M connection wizard. Exiting...")

Usage (from a pure web context)

ad4m-connect provides a web-component that you can use just by importing the package. Properties exposed:

  • appName(required): Name of the application using ad4m-connect.
  • appDesc(required): Description of the application using ad4m-connect.
  • appDomain(required): Domain of the application using ad4m-connect.
  • capabilities(required): Capabilities requested by the application.
  • appiconpath: Icon for the app using ad4m-connect.
  capabilities='[{"with":{"domain":"*","pointers":["*"]},"can": ["*"]}]'

ad4m-connect also provides helper methods to check if the client is connected to executor called isConnected & getAd4mClient to get the client itself to use across the app.

import {
} from "@perspect3vism/ad4m-connect/web";

onAuthStateChanged(async (status) => {
  if (status === "connected_with_capabilities") {
    alert("Connected  to Ad4m!");
  } else {
    alert("Not connected to Ad4m!");