This is command-line program to host ad4m service and request to the service with build-in commands.
Dowload the latest program on the Release page, here take Mac os as example,
wget -O ad4m
chmod +x ./ad4m
Get help inforamtion for available commands,
./ad4m -h
./ad4m serve -h
./ad4m agent -h
Initialize the dependencies by coping the holochain binaries (Required),
# Initializes the ad4m-host with default config
./ad4m init
# Initalize ad4m-host with different environment using dataPath flag
./ad4m init --dataPath ad4m-host --networkBootstrapSeed ./custom_seed.json
# To override the environment you can use overrideConfig flag
./ad4m init --dataPath ad4m-host --networkBootstrapSeed ./custom_seed.json --overrideConfig
Run ad4m service with or without connecting to an existing running holochain process,
# connect with existing running holochain process
./ad4m serve --connectHolochain
# start its own holochain process (will use the default environment i.e ad4m)
./ad4m serve
# will start holochain process for this environment
./ad4m serve --dataPath environment_name
# Start server with only languageLanguage and ignore other languages
./ad4m serve --languageLanguageOnly
# Pass custom bootstrap languages & perspective
./ad4m serve --bootstrapLanguage ./bootstrap_language.json --bootstrapPerspective ./bootstrap_perspective.json
When running the AD4M executor for the very first time, we need to generate an agent (i.e. DID and keys) with:
./ad4m agent generate
After restart the ad4m service, it's usually necessary to check agent status and unlock the agent with passphrase,
./ad4m agent status
./ad4m agent unlock
Create an expression,
# show all the downloaded languages
./ad4m languages get --all
# install the note-ipfs language with its address
./ad4m languages get --address QmYVsrMpiFmV9S7bTWNAkUzSqjRJskQ8g4TWKKwKrHAPqL
# if got "not a trustedAgent error", try add a trusted agent with the language creator's did
./ad4m runtime addTrustedAgent --did "did:key:zQ3shfhvaHzE81hZqLorVNDmq971EpGPXq3nhyLF1JRP18LM3"
# create an expression with note-ipfs language, return the url of the expression
./ad4m expression create --content "This is a test note" --address QmYVsrMpiFmV9S7bTWNAkUzSqjRJskQ8g4TWKKwKrHAPqL
# get the expression with its url
./ad4m expression get --url "QmYVsrMpiFmV9S7bTWNAkUzSqjRJskQ8g4TWKKwKrHAPqL://QmSsCCtXMDAZXMpyiNLzwjGEU4hLmhG7fphidhEEodQ4Wy"
Publish a language,
# publish a template langauge by replacing the path and meta params.
# you can also omit the path and meta params, and input them interactively.
# it should give the address of the language.
./ad4m languages publish --path "/Users/kaichaosun/github/holo/ad4m-languages/release/shortform/bundle.js" --meta '{"name":"shortform-expression","description":"Shortform expression for flux application","possibleTemplateParams":["uid","name"],"sourceCodeLink":""}'
# check the metadata of the template language
./ad4m languages meta --address QmWN1LBR3Zzx3yE7mncf93BPna8RbwtkSrYxTETktfpUyJ
# publish a language by appling template data to a template language
# it should give the address of the templated language
./ad4m languages applyTemplateAndPublish --address QmWN1LBR3Zzx3yE7mncf93BPna8RbwtkSrYxTETktfpUyJ --templateData '{"uid":"123","name":"test-shortform-expression"}'
# check the metadata of the templated language
./ad4m languages meta --address QmX2e2MaN9ayWaoA4MRhjjVw72RqgxUh7v7SWNbU5Kebpq
Create a perspective, and turns it into a neighbourhood
# shall all perspectives
./ad4m perspective get --all
# add a new perspective
# it should give a random unique ID that is used to reference it
./ad4m perspective add --name "A new perspective"
# get a specific perspective
./ad4m perspective get --uuid "22bdcd2b-44c4-416b-a9b8-8db089a361b0"
# add link to a perspective
# link contains a source, target and optional predicate
# in this example, the source is root, target is the note-ipfs expression we just created
./ad4m perspective addLink --uuid "22bdcd2b-44c4-416b-a9b8-8db089a361b0" --link '{"source":"root","target":"QmYVsrMpiFmV9S7bTWNAkUzSqjRJskQ8g4TWKKwKrHAPqL://QmSsCCtXMDAZXMpyiNLzwjGEU4hLmhG7fphidhEEodQ4Wy"}'
# a perspective can be shared by publish it, aka turning it into a neighbourhood.
# we need a language to store links, here we use social-context link language by templating it.
# it should give the address of our link language.
./ad4m languages applyTemplateAndPublish --address QmbCKYo6fWgEP7PiqoYH1jKiJHWFCnGUmwxDfUUEjXQvXB --templateData '{"uid":"123","name":"test-social-context"}'
# check the metadata of our link language
./ad4m languages meta --address QmYHx1LzwWevEH2dkyEzF3c5ALCHc1PcyBHwukVUdBLFBU
# publish perspective into neighbourhood with perspective id and link language address
# it should give the url of the neighbourhood, and further used to join the neighbourhood by other users
./ad4m neighbourhood publishFromPerspective --uuid "22bdcd2b-44c4-416b-a9b8-8db089a361b0" --address "QmYHx1LzwWevEH2dkyEzF3c5ALCHc1PcyBHwukVUdBLFBU" --meta '{"links":[]}'
# another user can join a neighbourhood
# it should give the id of a new perspective
./ad4m neighbourhood joinFromUrl --url 'neighbourhood://QmQggyZvTNkPJQM8m3439kCse5ZRRDAdD7NDR64xv5gTjm'
# the link added to a neighbourhood will be synced to another user and available to query
# it should give the links which usually contains the expression url in target
./ad4m perspective queryLinks --uuid "ac9e5301-fbf0-4049-abf6-c26f0959d93e" --query "{}"
# query the expression via url
./ad4m expression get --url "QmYVsrMpiFmV9S7bTWNAkUzSqjRJskQ8g4TWKKwKrHAPqL://QmSsCCtXMDAZXMpyiNLzwjGEU4hLmhG7fphidhEEodQ4Wy"
Install dependencies,
npm install
Prepare holochain binaries and bootstrap languages,
npm run download-binaries-macos/windows/linux (choose your correct OS)
Local development without installing any binary,
npm run dev # start ad4m service
To build the binary package,
npm run package-macos/windows/linux (choose your correct OS)
A handly online GraphQL client, You can also save the querys and import/export the collections.
You can also use this pre-exported collection.
query agent status,
query agentStatus {
agentStatus {
unlock agent,
mutation agentUnlock($passphrase: String!) {
agentUnlock(passphrase: $passphrase) {
{ "passphrase": "yourpassword" }
publish a language,
mutation languagePublish(
$languageMeta: LanguageMetaInput!
$languagePath: String!
) {
languagePublish(languageMeta: $languageMeta, languagePath: $languagePath) {
"languageMeta": {
"name": "shortform-expression",
"description": "Shortform expression for flux application",
"possibleTemplateParams": ["uid", "name"],
"sourceCodeLink": ""
"languagePath": "your-language-path"