Python web scraper for downloading M3U8 files designed with Selenium and FFMPEG.
If requested I will add functionality to import lists of links from a text file, for now this scraper will go to one page and grab all the .m3u8 links avaliable.
The variables in the image below allow you to specifiy locations of where your chromedriver1 is, where you would like your files to be downloaded to, and what url you will be scraping.
This program assumes FFMPEG is already installed, however if it is not I have included a working version to go along with this web scraper.
If you find any bugs that need to be fixed, feel free to contact me, fork this repository to improve it, or make a pull request.
Originally requested by u/zackcase1
I have already included chromedriver versions 96 and 97 in this repo, this is only important if you have a custom location. If the version is incorrect you may have to download the correct version via ↩
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