Home to OpenFOAM CFD solvers hyFoam (supersonic combusting flows) and hy2Foam (hypersonic reacting flows)
- 2.3.0: http://openfoam.org/download/2-3-0-ubuntu/
- 2.4.0: http://openfoam.org/download/2-4-0-ubuntu/
- 2.4.0-MNF: https://github.com/MicroNanoFlows/OpenFOAM-2.4.0-MNF
Please check out the hyStrath Wiki page: https://github.com/vincentcasseau/hyStrath/wiki
Pre-requirements: Good knowledge of OpenFOAM and the rhoCentralFoam solver
Installation: ./install.sh
- How-tos added to replace the manuals
- Fixes and new diffusion models
Enquiries: [email protected]
Contributors: Dr Vincent Casseau, Daniel E.R. Espinoza and Dr Thomas J. Scanlon
Acknowledgements: Jimmy-John O.E. Hoste, Dr Rodrigo C. Palharini and Prof Richard E. Brown
About us: http://www.jwfl.ac.uk/
the direct simulation Monte Carlo code from the Universities of Strathclyde and Glasgow- hosted by Dr Craig White: https://github.com/MicroNanoFlows/OpenFOAM-2.4.0-MNF/tree/devel-craig (OpenFOAM 2.4.0-MNF)
- code, manuals, tutorials and support available via distance learning
the Propulsion system modelling code from the University of Strathclyde- developed by Dr Alessandro Mogavero: https://github.com/strath-ace/HyPro
- HYPRO can be used to model any kind of propulsion system thanks to its modular structure. It is designed to be fast in order to be easily included within optimization loops.