This example shows an implementation of libfacedetection on DepthAI in the Gen2 API system. Blob is taken from PINTO's Model ZOO.
Current input to neural network is 160 x 120 (W x H). Camera preview is set to 640 x 480 (W x H) and is resized to neural network input shape with ImageManip.
Image is taken from here.
Purchase a DepthAI (or OAK) model (see
Install requirements.
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 [options]
-nn, --nn_model
: Select model path for inference. Default: models/lanenet_openvino_2021.4_6shave.blob.-conf, --confidence_thresh
: Set the confidence threshold. Default: 0.6.-iou, --iou_thresh
: Set the NMS IoU threshold. Default: 0.3.-topk, --keep_top_k
: Keep at most top_k picked indices. Default: 750.