Flow is a static typechecker for JavaScript. To find out more about Flow, check out flowtype.org.
For a background on the project, please read our launch blog post.
Flow works with:
- Mac OS X
- Linux (64-bit)
- Windows (64-bit)
There are binary distributions for each of these platforms and you can also build it from source on any of them as well.
Flow is simple to install: all you need is the flow
binary on your PATH and you're good to go.
You can install Flow via Homebrew package manager. To ensure you get the latest version, update Homebrew first:
brew update
Then simply type:
brew install flow
You can also build and install flow via the OCaml OPAM package manager. Since Flow has some non-ocaml dependencies, you need to use the depext
package like so:
opam install depext
opam depext --install flowtype
If you don't have a new enough version of OCaml to compile Flow, you can also use OPAM to bootstrap a modern version. Install OPAM via the binary packages for your operating system and run:
opam init --comp=4.01.0
opam install flowtype
eval `opam config env`
flow --help
Getting started with flow is super easy.
- Initialize Flow by running the following command in the root of your project
flow init
- Add the following to the top of all the files you want to typecheck
/* @flow */
- Run and see the magic happen
flow check
More thorough documentation and many examples can be found at http://flowtype.org.
Flow is written in OCaml (OCaml 4.01.0 or higher is required) and (on Linux) requires libelf. You can install OCaml on Mac OS X and Linux by following the instructions at ocaml.org.
For example, on Ubuntu 14.04 and similar systems:
sudo apt-get install ocaml libelf-dev
On OSX, using the brew package manager:
brew install ocaml ocamlbuild libelf opam
Once you have these dependencies, building Flow just requires running
This produces a bin
folder containing the flow
Note: at this time, the OCaml dependency prevents us from adding Flow to npm. Try flow-bin if you need a npm binary wrapper.
To run the tests, first compile flow using make
. Then run bash ./runtests.sh bin/flow
There is a make test
target that compiles and runs tests.
To run a subset of the tests you can pass a second argument to the runtests.sh
For example: bash runtests.sh bin/flow class | grep -v 'SKIP'
- Website: http://flowtype.org/
- irc: #flowtype on Freenode
- Twitter: follow @flowtype and #flowtype to keep up with the latest Flow news.
- Stack Overflow: Ask a question with the flowtype tag
Flow is BSD-licensed. We also provide an additional patent grant.