Internally all annotations from controllers are used to build api schema. It is basically metadata describing whole api. Endpoints, routing, openapi, ...
Apitte api schema is used to generate OpenApi schema.
You could also define OpenApi schema directly if you need define things that are not directly supported by apitte schema.
See apitte/openapi docs for more info.
Loads api schema
Known limitation: Currently is not possible to define own loaders.
Default loader which loads schema from annotations.
See endpoints and mapping docs for usage examples.
Use with caution. This is an experimental loader which may drastically change in future. (So yes, it is not enough documented for that reason)
enable: true
- %appDir%/Api/V1/schema.neon
Known limitation: Schema for endpoint could be defined only by annotations or by neon, so you cannot e.g. define endpoint in annotations and modify it in neon.
There are already some validations which check if there is not an error in schema but you could also define your own validations to e.g. ensure that all endpoints have defined an tag or ID.
namespace App\Api\Validations;
use Apitte\Core\Schema\Builder\SchemaBuilder;use Apitte\Core\Schema\Validation\IValidation;
class EnsureTagIsDefinedValidation implements IValidation
public function validate(SchemaBuilder $builder): void
foreach ($builder->getControllers() as $controller) {
// Get tags from controller and controller methods, check if any available...
- App\Api\Validations\EnsureTagIsDefinedValidation