Open 3D Modeling Tool
This tool is written in Kotlin, using LWJGL3 for rendering and Legui to build user interfaces
The program is in alpha and there are tons of features that need to be implemented.
I doing this as a side project so don't expect it be finished soon.
Valid input formats:
- OBJ: Wavefront .obj file
- TCN: Techne model format (outdated 3d modeler)
- TBL: Tabula model format
- JSON: Minecraft json models
- MCX: Custom model format used in ModeLoader
- GLTF: WIP (mostly supported)
Valid output formats:
- OBJ: Wavefront .obj file
- MCX: Custom model format used in ModeLoader
- GLTF: WIP (only some parts supported)
The formats TCN, TBL and JSON are based on storing objects as cubes with properties, they don't allow arbitrary kinds of shapes so it's impossible to export complex models to them.
- Free vertex edit capabilities
- Free UV edit capabilities
- Translation, rotation and scale
- Object, face, edge and vertex individual selection
- Texture import on change
- Automatic backup creation and removal of old backups
- Local and global transformation
- Keyframe based animations
- Helper grids to align objects
- Orthographic and projection cameras
- Multiview up to 4 viewports
- Skybox background
- Texture template export
- Axis Aligned Bounding Box export to text format