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File metadata and controls

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The following are the custom commands in Jarvis and some of the most useful default ones. Each configuration file is carefully documented to make it easy to understand. Many default commands for each tool may not be listed.

Neovim Commands

Note: Several of the commands expect you to be in the directory you are working in. Fuzzy finding, for example, won't work as expected unless Neovim's current directory is correct. You can check that via :pwd inside of Neovim.

Either open Neovim from the directory you want to work in, or set the directory once Neovim is open via the :cd /path/to/directory command.

Command Mode Tool Description
<Space> normal NeoVim Page down
- normal NeoVim Page up
<c>hjkl normal NeoVim Switch windows and Tmux panes (left/down/up/right)
<leader>h normal NeoVim Find and replace
<leader>/ normal NeoVim Clear highlighted search terms
<leader>f normal NERDTree Find current file in tree hiearchy
<leader>n normal NERDTree Toggle NERDTree window
C normal NT NERDTree Switch NERDTree root to be directory under cursor
; normal Denite Browse currently open buffers
<leader>t normal Denite Browse files in current directory
<leader>g normal Denite Search current directory for occurences of term
<leader>j normal Denite Search current directory for word under cursor
<c-o> insert Denite Switch to normal mode (useful inside DW)
d normal DW Denite Delete item (can delete open buffer inside DW)
<leader>y normal vim-better-whitespace Remove trailing whitespace in file
<leader>w normal EasyMotion Highlight first letter of file words for quick move
<TAB> insert AWV Deoplete Moves inside of auto-complete window if it's open
<c-n> normal AWV Deoplete Moves to next suggested auto-complete term
<c-p> normal AWV Deoplete Moves to previous suggested auto-complete term
<leader>dj normal tern_for_vim/nvim-typescript Jump to definition of word under cursor
<leader>dr normal tern_for_vim/nvim-typescript Show references of word under cursor.
<leader>dn normal tern_for_vim/nvim-typescript Rename word under cursor
<leader>dd normal tern_for_vim/nvim-typescript Look up documentation of word under cursor
<c-k> insert AWV NeoSnippet Activates first valid snippet that matches
<c-k> insert SP NeoSnippet Move to next available field of snippet
<c-k> select SP NeoSnippet Move to next available field of snippet

  • DW - Within Denite window
  • NT - Within NERDTree window
  • AWV - With auto-complete window visible
  • AW - Inside auto-complete window
  • SP - Inside of snippet

Tmux Commands

Below are some custom key mappings as well as some default tmux commands. Not all tmux commands are included, just some of the more common ones in my workflow.

Prefix Mappings

Command Description
<c-a>I Install tmux plugins
<c>(h/j/k/l). Switch Tmux panes and Neovim windows (left/down/up/right)
<c-a>(H/J/K/L) Resize Tmux panes based on current pane (left/down/up/right)
<c-a>- Create split horizontally
<c-a>| Create split vertically
<c-a>x Close pane
<c-a>$ Rename session
<c-a>s Browse open sessions - navigate with h/j/k/l and enter to select
<c-a>z Full-screen the current pane

Tmux Command Line

All of the following command are triggered by <c-a>: (Note the colon)

Command Description
new -s test Create new session named "test"
kill-session -t test Delete session named "test"
kill-session -a Kill all sessions but current one

Zsh Commands

All the following commands can be run from the command line. Each command can be run by typing command and pressent <enter>. Some commands have optional parameters.

Command Description
fo Fuzzy-find file in current directory and open with Neovim
fh Fuzzy-find in command history
fgb <*branch_name>. Git checkout local/remote branch by name or fuzzy-find
ftm <*session_name> Switch to session name if given, create if doesn't exist or fuzzy-find
ftmk <*session_name> Kill given session or fuzzy-find session to kill

  • * - Indicates optional param

Tern Configuration

TernJS can be used within Neovim to enable auto-complete, method documentation, function argument hints, jump to definition, and more for javascript. See the tern-for-vim commands in the Neovim Commands section above for how to use tern within Neovim.

Here is an example .tern-project file that should be placed at the root of your ES6 project:

 "loadEagerly": [
    "src/index.js" // your main entry point file
  "plugins": {
    "doc_comment": {
      "fullDocs": true
    "modules": {},
    "node_resolve": {},
    "es_modules": {}
  "libs": [

If you want to add more libraries, or use a different module system than es_modules, please see the documentation on the tern website.