Share your stuff with others!
Scrap stash from the official Path of Exile website ( and generate a sharable file.
Main website here:
Share a stash with a friend:
- Easily
- Nothing to install (if hosted)
- Portable (should be compatible with everything)
- Simple to use
I put some files online, to show what the generated files look like:
This project has been created because I wanted to show what I got to a friend. I was astonished there was no way to share stash and didn't find any tool to do that. I needed a tool which was simple to use and which generate a sharable portable file. That's why I choose a single html file (css and javascript are embeded).
The initial tool was a CLI which fetch the official API, and generated this html file. Issue is, it's not easy for everyone to use the command line. So, I created a simple http server to serve this file and remember the poe sessid. By hosting this project, there is nothing to install! A simple browser is enough.
Then, I wanted to handle item selling. I didn't like existing tool (even if there are more advanced). I wanted something like the premium tab stash in game. I handled that using browser local storage (keep in mind that file are not necessarily hosted online, so it has to work as a single html file open on a device).
I'm heavily using this tool and satisfied with that. I often read online that people wanted to share what they got, but have no way to do that. So I decided to clean this project, and share it online.
Build the binaries:
You can use the generated binary or directly go run cmd/cli/main.go
I will use the later in my example.
go run cmd/cli/main.go --account <YOUR_ACCOUNT> --poesessid <YOUR_POESESSID> --league <YOUR_LEAGUE>
Account is your account name (not your character name) Poesessid is the token id used after log in on the official website (in storage > cookie) League, the league name (standard, legion, ...)
go run cmd/cli/main.go --account cptpingu --poesessid ef87f9320ba7428149fe562236e32 --league standard
A file "cptpingu-standard.html" should be created (do not worry, it's a fake poe sessid :p).
Type --help for a description of all other existing options.
If you don't like the command line, you can launch the server locally:
go run cmd/server/main.go
Then, go to: http://localhost:2121
with your browser. That's all!
You can run a server without any securities, but if you want to host
this tool publicly, it is advised to enable some safeguards.
With the --passwords option, you can choose a file containing a set
of allowed users. These users are allow to generate new users or
refresh existing ones.
Usually, creating a pass.txt
file containing login:password
lines is
enough (passwords are in plain text for now).
Never ever share your POE sessid! This token is used to identify you on the official website. This tool need it to fetch all information about your account, but you should not share it. If a website ask your poesessid (and it's not launched by you locally), you should not trust it!
Viewing items should be pretty intuitive as it works exactly like in the game. To price an item, left click on it. To remove a price, just set an empty price. When all prices are set, just click on "generate items shop", it will copy in your clipboard what you need to paste on the trade forum.
Note that every prices are store locally in your browser, and the storage is associated with the exact url name. It means all prices will be lost if you:
- Rename the file
- Use another browser
- Clear the browser cache
- Reinstall your browser
- Open the file on another device
To avoid that, there are an import shop
and an export shop
which allows you to save and reload the prices you set.
- gin-tonic: (
go get -u
) - tippy:
- Map stash tab (known issue:
- Quad stash tab
- Essence stash tab
- Unique stash tab
- Divination stash tab
- Remove only stash tab
- Too much jewels on the character will overflow
- More rigourous item description generation
- Shop id for the link after shop generation
- Search bar? (lot of works)