A reboot of an old project from about 7 years ago, https://github.com/CraigJPerry/home-network - I lost access to that github account after an unfortunate mistake with 2FA :-)
- Install Ansible on the bootstrap host (a WSL2 VM in my case)
pip3 install --user ansible
- Configure the host details in
- Read the comments in
and decide which strategy you'll run - E.g. to install on nas i did, as root, ansible-pull -U https://github.com/craigjperry2/home-network -i localhost, # localhost only matches the bootstrap playbook
Some notes to remind me of the rare occassions i treated a box as a pet.
- FreeBSD 13.0 NAS (nas.home.craigjperry.com)
- BIOS Setup
- Enable all 6 HDDs as boot disks - if one drive fails, the bootloader is installed on the other 5
- Enable low power states and bios fan speed control (workaround weird half-supported acpi/i2c)
- When power is restored, always power-on
- Bare metal install (was not PXE installed - NIC/BIOS doesn't support it)
- Install from USB, FreeBSD standard 1G image (not the minimal one), selections:
- UTC clock
- Guided ZFS on root: select all 6 drives, raidz2 scheme, 4G swap per drive, 24G(!) total swap
- Default 3 partition scheme on all HDDs:
- p1: 512k, stage 1 boot loader
- p2: 4G, swap (choose non-mirrored to permit crashdumps)
- p3: 2.7-3.6Tb depending on disk, ZFS
- Services
- sshd
- ntpdate (on boot)
- Create "craig" user, additionally a "wheel" member
- Selective hardening:
- Clear /tmp on boot
- Install from USB, FreeBSD standard 1G image (not the minimal one), selections:
- Initial boot / post-install setup
- freebsd-update fetch
- freebsd-update install
- pkg update
- pkg upgrade
- pkg install -y sudo neovim zsh zsh-completions git python37 py37-ansible
- python3.7 -m ensurepip
- python3.7 -m pip install -U pip
- neovim setup:
- mkdir -p ~/.config/nvim
- sh -c 'curl -fLo "${XDG_DATA_HOME:-$HOME/.local/share}"/nvim/site/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs https://raw.githubusercontent.com/junegunn/vim-plug/master/plug.vim'
- vim +PlugInstall
- nnn build & install:
- gmake O_NERD=1 CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/include -DNERD" LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/lib
- sudo gmake install
- Install rust toolchain https://rustup.rs/
- cargo install --locked fd-find ripgrep xsv deno bat du-dust
- BIOS Setup
Evolve the setup here.
Define Pre-requisites:
- Host configured (IP, hostname, disk layout, etc.)
- Package manager installed (e.g. homebrew, chocolatey)
Host added to inventory file with metadata for:
- [Default] user-only (e.g. MacOS, WSL2) will not install ansible pull, push on demand only
- full-system (e.g. Fedora, FreeBSD, etc.) will install ansible pull
Steps performed by Ansible:
Assume non-privileged user by default
- Install core user tools (e.g. git, zsh, nnn, fzf, tmux, neovim)
- when MacOS use Homebrew names for packages
- when Fedora use DNF names for packages
- when full-system metadata tag is present, setup required users:
- ansible
- craig
- when full-system metadata tag is present, maintain ansible pull