!!! Change log for Logexpert !!!
Symbol | Description |
- | Changed: for changes in existing functionality
- | Added: for new features
- | Removed: for now removed features ~ | Deprecated: for soon to be removed features ! | Security: in case of vulnerabilities
================================================ Version: 1.7.2 Released: 2019-xx-xx
- xxx | change log has been added
- 115 | LogExperts#115 | Inno Setup script has been added
============== Examples ======================== Version: 1.0.0 Released: 2018-xx-xx
| description of issue
| Changes of existing functionality without issue number | Description of change
| new Feature added without issue number | description of feature
| Feature removed | description of feature
~ | Feature deprecated | description of feature
! | Security Problems please READ CAREFULLY | description of of problem and fixes