A Vendor-neutral Web-application Open Platform Interface (WOPI) gateway for EFSS systems.
This chart creates a Wopiserver deployment on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager.
To install the chart with the release name my-wopi
helm install my-wopi cs3org/wopiserver
To uninstall/delete the deployment:
helm delete my-wopi
The following configurations may be set. It is recommended to use values.yaml
for overwriting the wopiserver config.
Parameter | Description | Default |
config.cs3.authTokenValidity |
Reva/gRPC authentication token expiration time (seconds). | 3600 |
config.cs3.gateway |
The GRPC endpoint of the Reva gateway service. | revad:19000 |
config.cs3.sslVerify |
Enables certificate checking for downloads from the Reva datagateway. | True |
config.bridge.sslVerify |
Enables certificate checking for the connected apps. | True |
config.detectExternalLocks |
Enables detection of external Microsoft Office or LibreOffice locks. | False |
config.detectExternalMods |
Enables detection of external modifications to opened files on save. | False |
config.log.level |
Log level. Values, in order of severity: Critical , Error , Warning , Info Debug . |
Debug |
config.log.handler |
Log handler. Values: stream or file |
stream |
config.log.destination |
Log destination. Values if handler == stream : stdout or stderr . If handler == file , set to any existing file path in the container. |
config.token.validity |
WOPI access token expiration time (seconds). | 86400 |
config.codimd.enabled |
Enables CodiMD. This flag is used by the ScienceMesh umbrella charts. | False |
config.codimd.inturl |
Internal URL used by CodiMD pod, if deployed in the same cluster. Otherwise, it may be left blank. | |
extraResources |
Extra resources to be included. | [] |
image.pullPolicy |
The kubernetes image pull policy. | IfNotPresent |
image.repository |
Name of the image to run, without the tag. | cs3org/wopiserver |
image.tag |
The image tag to use. | v9.4.0 |
image.pullSecrets |
List of names of secrets containing container image registry access keys. | [] |
ingress.annotations |
Ingress annotations. | {} |
ingress.enabled |
Whether to create an Ingress resource to access the wopiserver. | false |
ingress.hostname |
The ingress hostname. | wopi.local |
ingress.path |
The ingress path. | /wopi |
ingress.tls |
Ingress TLS configuration (YAML). | [] |
replicaCount |
How many replicas to run. | 1 |
resources |
Resources to apply to all services. | {} |
secrets.wopiSecret |
WOPI secret used for signing JWT tokens. | nil - generates a random secret (randAlphaNum 24 ) |
secretsRef |
Use an already existing secret instead of configuring the secrets settings. |
nil |
securityContext.fsGroup |
File system group for all volumes. | 1000 |
securityContext.runAsGroup |
Group ID that all processes within any containers will run with. | 1000 |
securityContext.runAsUser |
User ID that all processes within any containers will run with. | 1000 |
service.port |
The wopiserver service HTTP port. | 8880 |
service.type |
The Kubernetes service type to use. | ClusterIP |
wopiserverUrl |
Overrides the (default) Helm URL generation based on the ingress/service values. | nil |