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A Vendor-neutral Web-application Open Platform Interface (WOPI) gateway for EFSS systems.


This chart creates a Wopiserver deployment on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager.


To install the chart with the release name my-wopi:

helm install my-wopi cs3org/wopiserver

Uninstalling the Chart

To uninstall/delete the deployment:

helm delete my-wopi


The following configurations may be set. It is recommended to use values.yaml for overwriting the wopiserver config.

Parameter Description Default
config.cs3.authTokenValidity Reva/gRPC authentication token expiration time (seconds). 3600
config.cs3.gateway The GRPC endpoint of the Reva gateway service. revad:19000
config.cs3.sslVerify Enables certificate checking for downloads from the Reva datagateway. True
config.bridge.sslVerify Enables certificate checking for the connected apps. True
config.detectExternalLocks Enables detection of external Microsoft Office or LibreOffice locks. False
config.detectExternalMods Enables detection of external modifications to opened files on save. False
config.log.level Log level. Values, in order of severity: Critical, Error, Warning, Info Debug. Debug
config.log.handler Log handler. Values: stream or file stream
config.log.destination Log destination. Values if handler == stream: stdout or stderr. If handler == file, set to any existing file path in the container.
config.token.validity WOPI access token expiration time (seconds). 86400
config.codimd.enabled Enables CodiMD. This flag is used by the ScienceMesh umbrella charts. False
config.codimd.inturl Internal URL used by CodiMD pod, if deployed in the same cluster. Otherwise, it may be left blank.
extraResources Extra resources to be included. []
image.pullPolicy The kubernetes image pull policy. IfNotPresent
image.repository Name of the image to run, without the tag. cs3org/wopiserver
image.tag The image tag to use. v9.4.0
image.pullSecrets List of names of secrets containing container image registry access keys. []
ingress.annotations Ingress annotations. {}
ingress.enabled Whether to create an Ingress resource to access the wopiserver. false
ingress.hostname The ingress hostname. wopi.local
ingress.path The ingress path. /wopi
ingress.tls Ingress TLS configuration (YAML). []
replicaCount How many replicas to run. 1
resources Resources to apply to all services. {}
secrets.wopiSecret WOPI secret used for signing JWT tokens. nil - generates a random secret (randAlphaNum 24)
secretsRef Use an already existing secret instead of configuring the secrets settings. nil
securityContext.fsGroup File system group for all volumes. 1000
securityContext.runAsGroup Group ID that all processes within any containers will run with. 1000
securityContext.runAsUser User ID that all processes within any containers will run with. 1000
service.port The wopiserver service HTTP port. 8880
service.type The Kubernetes service type to use. ClusterIP
wopiserverUrl Overrides the (default) Helm URL generation based on the ingress/service values. nil