A Smart Face Recognitions Attendance Full-Stack Web App DEMO .
About • Key Features • How To Use • Download • Credits • Portfolio • License
- Django web framework is used for the development of the whole web app.
- OpenCv and face_recognition API's were used for the development of Face Recognizzer.
- The Face Recognizer can detect multiple face at a time and mark their attendance into Database.
- Note: Python version 3.9.13 is use for this Project And dlib package required for installation of face_recognition api is also uploaded
- The Web app consume very less memory
- The web app very good accuracy
- The App has A login/singup page so it can be used only authorised people
- Its run very smothly & it is also good working on less capacity devices (tested)
- it response time is very low it is so fast .
- The attendance can be filter or search by the teacher & HOD
- The searching has a many options ton get a perfect result.
- The Audio message is included.it is soft voice and notify us.
- The attendance is export/Download in the CSV file.
- The attendance is also Download in PDF form.
- if the attendance is once taken in same student then again not mark . it will mark in next day/next lecture.
- Easy in the modification
- if Unknown/not registered person take the attendance it show the red mark and it will not display the attendance.
- No limits at image Size .
- it the search section we can search attendance in multiple ways .
To run the web app on your local computer, install the required libraries ([requirements.txt]).
pip install -r requirements.txt
Note: If dlib is not installed then you can install the file "dlib-19.22.99-cp39-cp39-win_amd64.whl" which is attached with the code file download
pip install dlib-19.22.99-cp39-cp39-win_amd64.whl
and run the following command in the command prompt:
python manage.py runserver
To create your own credential for logging into the application and also access database
python manage.py createsuperuser
After running the above command and creating the credentials, you can use the same credentials for logging in.
Note: Use Chrome, Mozilla Firefox for best view use 80% screen resolution.
- To Clone the Repo
$ git clone https://github.com/csejay3chauhan/microsodt-engage-22-project.git
- Download Screenshots of the project
- Download Flowcharts & Diagram
- Download Demo Video
- Download PPT Download
- Download This Project by clicking Download
Markdownify is an emailware. Meaning, if you liked using this app or it has helped you in any way, I'd like you send me an email at [email protected] about anything you'd want to say about this software. I'd really appreciate it!
This WebApp uses the following Open source packages:
- Python
- Django
- Opencv-contrib-python
- OpenCv
- matplotlib
- Face_recogniton
- pillow
- ace-recognition-models
- dlib
- cmake
- certifi
- numpy
- pandas
- pipreqs
- requests
- sqlparse
- pyttsx3
- reportlab
- datetime
- os
Jay's Portfolio - Jay Chauhan Computer Science & Eng student
- Pomolectron - A pomodoro app
- Correo - A menubar/taskbar Gmail App for Windows and macOS
Website · GitHub @jay3chauhan · Twitter @jay3_chauhan