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The priorBoxPlugin generates prior boxes (anchor boxes) from a feature map in object detection models such as SSD. This plugin is included in TensorRT and used in sampleSSD to run SSD.

This sample generates anchor box coordinates [x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max] with variances (scaling factors) [var_0, var_1, var_2, var_3] for the downstream bounding box decoding steps. The priorBoxPlugin uses a series of CUDA kernels in the file to accelerate the process. The differences between priorBoxPlugin and gridAnchorPlugin is that priorBoxPlugin generates prior boxes for one feature map in the model at one time, while gridAnchorPlugin generates all prior boxes for all feature maps in the model at one time.


Plugin PriorBox is created for each feature map. Plugin PriorBox takes no input (or one input to infer its shape information), and uses PriorBoxParameters to generate one output. The input is the feature map that needs to generate prior boxes and the output is the prior box data generated. The input has shape of [N, C, H, W] where N is the batch size, C is the number of channels, H is the height of the feature map input, and W is the width of the feature map input.

The output has shape [2, H * W * numPriors * 4, 1]. The first channel is for prior box coordinates. The second channel is for prior box scaling factors, which is simply a copy of the variance provided.

H and W are the height and width of the feature map the plugin is working on. numPriors is the number of prior boxes generated for one grid cell on the feature map. The value of numPriors is determined by the number of minimum sized box values, the number of maximum sized box values, the number of aspect ratios, and if we flip the aspect ratios or not. All the coordinates of prior boxes generated are in the format of [x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max], and are scaled against image width and height in a range of [0, 1].

A typical PriorBox layer in SSD300 implemented in Caffe looks similar to:

layer {
	name: "conv6_2_mbox_priorbox"
	type: "PriorBox"
	bottom: "conv6_2"
	bottom: "data"
	top: "conv6_2_mbox_priorbox"
	prior_box_param {
		min_size: 111.0
		max_size: 162.0
		aspect_ratio: 2
		aspect_ratio: 3
		flip: true
		clip: false
		variance: 0.1
		variance: 0.1
		variance: 0.2
		variance: 0.2
		step: 32
		offset: 0.5


This plugin has the plugin creator class PriorBoxPluginCreator and the plugin class PriorBox.

The PriorBox instance is created using PriorBoxParameters. The PriorBoxParameters is defined in NvInferPlugin.h. It consists of the following parameters:

Type Parameter Description
float * minSize The minimum box size in pixels. Can not be nullptr. minSize points to a series of minimum box size values which are used to generate prior boxes with different aspect ratios. The width of prior box w is equal to one of the minimum box size values times the square root of one of the values from aspect ratios. The width of prior box h is equal to one of the minimum box size values divided by the square root of one of the values from aspect ratios. For example, to generate a prior box of min size = 30 with aspect ratio = 2, the width and height of the prior bounding box generated are 42 and 21 respectively. In the original SSD paper, only minimum box size value is provided for each feature map.
float * maxSize The maximum box size in pixels. Can be nullptr. maxSize points to a series of maximum box size values which are used to generate additional prior boxes with aspect ratio 1. The width of prior box is equal to the square root of one of the minimum box sizes values times the square root of its corresponding maximum box size value. For example, if min size = 30 and max size = 60, an additional prior box of width 42 and height 42 will be generated. In the original SSD paper, only one maximum box size value is provided for each feature map.
float * aspectRatios The aspect ratios of the boxes. Can be nullptr. There is a built-in default aspect ratio of 1. Therefore, it is not required to provide aspect ratio of 1 here. For example, if aspectRatios = [2, 3], if flip = true, aspect ratios actually used is [1, 2, 1/2, 3, 1/3]; and if flip = false, aspect ratios actually used is [1, 2, 3].
int numMinSize The number of elements in minSize. Must be larger than 0.
int numMaxSize The number of elements in maxSize. Can be 0 or same as numMinSize.
int numAspectRatios The number of elements in aspectRatios. Can be 0.
bool flip If true, will flip each aspect ratio. For example, if there is aspect ratio r, the aspect ratio 1.0/r will be generated as well.
bool clip If true, will clip the prior so that it is within [0,1]. Some prior boxes generated close to the border of the image will have coordinates larger than 1.0 or smaller than 0. Setting clip = true will clip the out-of range coordinates so that all the coordinates fall into [0, 1].
float variance [4] The variances (scale factors) for adjusting the prior box coordinates encoding and decoding.
int imgH The image height. If 0, then the H dimension of the data tensor will be used. The height of the image input to the model. For example, for SSD300 model, imgH = 300.
int imgW The image width. If 0, then the W dimension of the data tensor will be used. The width of the image input to the model. For example, for SSD300 model, imgW = 300.
float stepH The step in H. If 0, then (float)imgH/h will be used where h is the H dimension of the first input tensor. For example, for SSD300 model, imgH = 300 and the height of the first feature map is 38 x 38. Then, stepH = 300 / 38 = 7.895.
float stepW The step in W. If 0, then (float)imgW/w will be used where w is the W dimension of the first input tensor. For example, for SSD300 model, imgW = 300 and the width of the first feature map is 38 x 38. Then, stepW = 300 / 38 = 7.895.
float offset Offset to the top left corner of each cell. This value is usually set to 0.5 to make sure that the prior boxes generated have centroid located at the center of the grid in the feature map.

Additional resources

The following resources provide a deeper understanding of the priorBoxPlugin plugin:



For terms and conditions for use, reproduction, and distribution, see the TensorRT Software License Agreement documentation.


May 2019 This is the first release of this file.

Known issues

There are no known issues in this plugin.