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cukes-rest takes simplicity of Cucumber and provides bindings for HTTP specification. As a sugar on top, cukes-rest adds steps for storing and using request/response content from a file system, variable support in .features, context inflation in all steps and a custom plug-in system to allow users to add additional project specific content.

Feature: Server is healthy

  Scenario: Should return pong response on /ping
    When the client performs GET request on /ping
    Then status code is 200
    And response equals to "pong"


  • JDK 1.6+


cukes-rest: core dependency with all you need to get started with the framework


cukes-rest-loadrunner: experimental plugin for HP LoadRunner script generation out of cukes-rest test case


Getting Started

There are two options to start local server with Sample Application:

  1. Run with following params server server.yml from $MODULE_DIR$
  2. Execute Package/Install Maven phase of the parent project cukes-rest-all

Running tests

Precondition: in order for all tests to pass successfully, please make sure you started fresh instance of Sample Application.

  • To start a specific Feature/Scenario, either change CucumberOption in or run Feature file directly from you IDE
  • To start all tests run from sub-project cukes-rest-sample
  • To start all tests right from Maven, execute test phase in project cukes-rest-sample

Hint: Please use the Jayway JSONPath viewer to construct needed JSONPath queries: