see-atom, carbon-atom, C language-atom is a scalable framework to create embedded systems faster by the combination of the top level declarative programming of the behaviour; model-based enabled design; service code generation.
- written on C language;
- uses POSIX for system calls;
- designed to be hardware and software platforms agnostic.
- Autopiloting of the flight simulator's model of Cessna 172.
- Popular open source hardware adaptation and quad-rotor drone example (coming soon).
Library has the following major building blocks:
- flow - block to arrange computational graphs as a sequence of atomic reusable (C lang coded) functions.
- fsm - finite state machine block, operates by states, transitions and actions on states and transitions.
- ibr - interface bridge - designed to take care of converting information from and to other devices.
- swsys - software system description layer; allocates functions and other blocks into tasks and process.
The foundation of the c-atom is Embedded Software Bus (ESWB) library. ESWB creates uniform way of functions to communicate between each other: inside thread, between threads, between processes. Stands as the only form of inter process communication inside c-atom controlled domain.
There are following dependencies and necessary tooling:
- bison and flex as code for parser generation of fsm.
- Catch2 as a testing framework
git clone
cd Catch2
git checkout v3.0.1
cmake -Bbuild -H. -DBUILD_TESTING=OFF
sudo cmake --build build/ --target install
sudo apt update && apt install bison flex
brew install bison
Make sure you have new bison in /usr/local/bin/bison
C-atom's CMakeLists.txt configuration has to override existing bison in a system.
Either adjust fsminst/fsmlib/CMakeLists.txt
Or create a symbolic link.
sudo ln -s /opt/homebrew/opt/bison/bin/bison /usr/local/bin/bison
Using of IDE to configure, build and run c-atom runner is recommended (CLion, VScode).