This tutorials assumes that you have installed PyRobot already using the official instructions.
This tutorial has been tested to work with the following setup,
- Allegro hand V4.0
- PEAk PCAN-USB FD adaptor
- Ubuntu 16.04 with Kernel 4.15
- Peak pcan driver 8.9.3
- ROS-Kinetic
- Python3.6
Please wire the Allgero hand and the PCAN-USB FD adator using these (insturctions)[] More instructions on trouble shooting the hardware are available here. (
- Intall these packages
sudo apt-get install libpopt-dev ros-kinetic-libpcan
- Download the peak pcan driver v8.9.3 from (here)(
Install the drivers:
make clean; make NET=NO_NETDEV_SUPPORT
sudo make install
sudo /sbin/modprobe pcan
Test that the interface is installed properly with:
cat /proc/pcan
You should see some stuff streaming.
When the hnd is connected to the computer using the PCA-USB FD adaptor, you should see pcanusb0 or pcanusb1 or pcanusb32 in the list of avaiable interfaces:
ls -l /dev/pcan*
- Setup the Allegro hand ros packages,
mkdir -p ~/allegro_hand_ws/src # feel free to change the directory location to your convenience
cd ~/allegro_hand_ws/src
git clone
cd ~/allegro_had_ws
##Running the examples
1st terminal,
source ~/allegro_had_ws/devel/setup.bash
roslaunch roslaunch allegro_hand allegro_hand.launch HAND:=left AUTO_CAN:=false CAN_DEVICE:=/dev/pcan32 JSP_GUI:=false CONTROLLER:=grasp
# Note that CAN_DEVICE should be set as per the output of ls -l /dev/pcan*
2nd terminal,